Anyone using world traffic3 ?


Charter Member
Would appreciate your reflections on this product.
Like it, love it, regret buying it?

Was hoping to add vintage models and custom schedules as in aifp.
Seems not likely, but real time traffic is alluring.
Using it. En route traffic will be included in the next update. Still lacks third party ATC interaction. Vintage traffic not likely as there are no dedicated developers. Only viable AI option for XP11.
I'm using it.

Thoughts so far?
It's a bit lacking with FSX as a comparison. You can see the aircraft are there if you go on to the radar, but the sky looks empty. That said, it's far better than the default game. If they do bring enroute aircraft, that will improve things a lot. Another thing is the aircraft lights are barely visible from a distance which adds to the sky looking empty. I'm being open minded as I still have a lot to learn about XP where as I was quite familiar with managing flight files and AFCADS in FSX. Hopefully, the ongoing development will close some of them gaps.
The current testing version of the plugin finally features en route traffic, which works rather well.
I'd love to get this, but from what I've seen, it doesn't appear to be a 'plug and play' sort of addon. In that, is it possible to simply install the product, and have AI aircraft 'doing their thing'? From the vids I've seen, various things still need to be done AFTER the installation before AI are present.

Is this correct, or have I misunderstood?
Since WT3 cant remember the settings for each airport you want to use it at, you have to re-initialize the traffic for each airport every time you start the game. It's kind of a pain for something FSX and P3D do so well..
If your set on using it then go ahead, but frankly, I'd rather recommend X-plane live traffic ( ). It's a drag and drop operation, with the exception of having to download the Blue Bell collection of AI aircraft ( which is very much worth the time to do. Live traffic polls data from the Open Sky network and displays it.If the airport your using has ground routes, the landing aircraft will taxi to their respective gates and park. Had a great time at RJTT last night just plane spotting and watching them drive around and park, and the beauty of it is that these arent AI. Theyre real flights taking place as you watch..


Live Traffic is only as good as the source data sent to it and in some regions, ADS-B data is only available from actual takeoff to touchdown, producing empty airports, but busy skies.

The general aviation component in World Traffic is not to be underestimated either.
A bulk ground route generator and autostart feature is on the developer's bucket list, which will make things somewhat easier for users.
Live Traffic is only as good as the source data sent to it and in some regions, ADS-B data is only available from actual takeoff to touchdown, producing empty airports, but busy skies.

The general aviation component in World Traffic is not to be underestimated either.
A bulk ground route generator and autostart feature is on the developer's bucket list, which will make things somewhat easier for users.

yeah, but what do you want??? Ground routes sometime unknown in the future, or full skies and visible aircraft now?? also its kind of fun sitting there watching a united or ryanair or delta flight come in or take off, knowings its a real united, ryanair, or delta flight.. P>S. The two utilities also work together, though i dont know to what extent. I have both running at the same time..
Besides, ADB-S isnt live traffics only source of information. Theres also the Open Sky Network and open sky network master-data that it pulls from as well.. I'm sitting at RJTT and I've got planes landing on both main strips, and the bottom picture above with the aircraft with the label, is an xlive traffic plane taxiing to its parking position. No, its not perfect ( and sometimes downright weird ) but its better than World Traffic at the moment, and its free.. Cant beat free. :) and yeah. New hobby. Plane spotting, using xplane since i cant get to an airport to actually watch. At least i can use remote viewing to watch them..
Unless LiveTraffic implements fake ground traffic to reliably fill up terminals and taxiways, it simply won't be much of an option for me. I quite like to see flights going about their business gate-to-gate.
Oh, I appreciate that.. As I said ( I think ) Live traffic isnt perfect yet. But nneither is world traffic, XLife or any of the other utilities that are available. Live traffic is at least freeware, so the only investment one makes is time, and its a pretty good investment. No, not every plane taxiis to its gate or ramp yet, but its still being worked on. What does World traffic provide?? I own it and I'm ready to uninstall it because it does nothing except generate invisible flights that only appear on radar which arent real anyway ( Live traffic I can tune in one of the ATC sites and listen too the specific aircraft as it lands in front of me ). Yeah, world traffic gives me lats more aircraft, if i could ever get them to work according to how i think they should work, But Live Traffic simply works. It immediately takes an empty world, and fillls it with planes that you can see and listen too if you want. I leave Tokyo and fly to Osaka, Live Traffic is there. Jump to O'Hare? Live traffic is there.. No waiting.

Now, when I'm plane spotting, I park at the end of the runway where the planes land, but ive seen three four even five aircraft that have just landed, taxiing to their gats on the other end of the terminal ( and IF my new motherboard gets here and gets installed i'll make a video of it ) so the traffic is there, just no, its not consistent. Not yet anyways. But yeah, one of my big hopes when I installed live ttrasffic was to watch aircraft taxii and park and takeoff and land, and Ive got it.. Its just not complete yet.
XLife is due for another update in June...looking forward to that! Nice video Pam! Thanks

`I also didnt know about the update.. Live traffic can be whacky from time to time, but it has so much it already does and so much potential.. Cant wait for them to make it even better..