Well - running the 6800K at five gig - I had to set the 580 at UsePools=1, with a slightly larger PoolSize and a RejectThreshold set, with a few other limits, other wise I had graphics spikes/artifacts: moving to the 780 allowed for higher fsx.cfg and NI settings, (UsePools=0, and able to tolerate more dense clouds, LOD level, etc., with a more stable framerate, so I reckon a 780(Ti) would be my recommendation, Mike.
We spend so much time in the sim (many of us decades!), and considering that a typical good quality R/C helicopter will set you back $2500, and many golf courses charge $500 (and up) just for a membership - let alone green fees - then I can certainly justify the expense of a good - pretty close to the top - graphics card. Why buy great scenery, great airports - like the FlyTampa, FSDT, FlightBeam, etc., airports - and great aircraft like the PMDG lineup, or the A2A offerings, only to have to come back to the forums, asking the same old questions, time after time after time. The guys that you don't see complaining or asking these performance-related questions are the huys with fast processors, very well cooled, with moderately high-speed memory - and a good GPU. Nick Needham might come across as harsh in many ways, but his hardware recommendations are always "buy the high-end GPU": that gets rid of any potential (and unfixable) bottleneck downstream from the processor. (low-speed memory doesn't have the performance impact that a mid or low-end GPU will have.)
....and budget the investment over the life of the card, say $650 spread over three years comes to a hair over four bucks per week - and you will still have a very good GPU at the end of the three years!
All the Best,