


I’d just like to add my own note of appreciation for all the work which the OFF development team has done. I started flight sims with Rowan’s Flying Corps so WW1 sims have a special place in my affections. For some while I’ve been flying the wonderful Battle of Britain 2. I’m new to OFF and I’ve had BHaH for a week or so. I think it’s terrific. I’ve only flown Quick Missions so I appreciate I’m only just scratching the surface, but discovering what’s in the box over time is part of the pleasure of course. I particularly like the beautifully modelled range of planes; the terrain (especially at low altitude which makes flying much more interesting – trains with smoke! Little men marching! Little tents on the airfield just like in the photos! Etc); the weather (sure rains a lot in France!); the attention to detail; the flight models which are very deceptive at first – I’m not used to huge amounts of rudder in order to fling them about; the difficulty of seeing where your opponent has got to as the wretched wings keep getting in the way (btw using TIR to track a target instead of padlock feels much more like the “real thing”); brilliant sound effects; the number of rounds you can fire at your opponent without doing a damn thing to them; and so on.

It’s clearly (like BoB2) a labour of love and I don’t begrudge a penny of the asking price, good luck to you guys.

I’m using an EVGA 8800 GTX which 5 minutes ago was “cutting edge” but now seems to be a “slower” graphics card! The FAQ tips on maximising FPS were very helpful.

Finally, in case this is of any use to anyone, when I first loaded BHaH (btw installation was so easy) I found the soundtrack to the intro movie stuttered. I upgraded Windows Media Player from v9 to v11 and this fixed it. The combination of intro movie and soundtrack is just outstanding and does, as someone else said, bring a lump to the throat. A fine tribute both to this most excellent sim, and to all those brave young men so long ago.

Thank you.
Yes, BIGFISH, "Bewtween Heaven and Hell" is sheer exitement, eyh?

And wait, until you start your first Campaign. The tension will grow, you want to make it back home, you want to grow your list of kills. After some sorties you may begin to act more care- and thoughtful. You must really care for your wingmen, and try to bring them home safe with you. And so much more!
This is incredible!
One thing we all can do, to give something in return for this all: tell everyone about this sim, who might be interested. Friends, or in other forums.
This sure deserves a wider spread!