Approach and Landing Lights as spawns


I have in fact looked at this before, with the idea that the spawn turns on when a friendly aircraft approaches, but not when the enemy does. The issue has always been the accurate location. I can pull the lights off the airbase facility. but then placing them in exact alignment with the rest of the base as a separate facility has been and issue. I am wondering is this can only be done at the Gmax level?
Thinking about this over lunch. maybe take the airbase facility, eliminate all but the lights, rename as, say, Deelen-lights.xml and, in the spawn xml file, place in exact same location as the airbase is in the gsl folder, and same orientation. I'll have to give that a go.:wiggle:
Well so far no result. Another point that I have just thought of, is, that one also needs lights on the home base for take off, so if the spawn doesn't work, then it's not a good idea to start with!:pop4::dizzy: