Ar234_Nightfighter by jaycee


Charter Member
Does anybody have this aircraft :Ar234_Nightfighter by jaycee ? It is not available on SOH.
I have looked through all my quite extensive CFS3 files and can't find it. When do you think it was made and what was your reference to it? (OK see your possible reference is a recebt thread on the Ar234)
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Thanks for the date, with that I could go into my massive library, and find this.
Here is the files for the Night fighter model AR 234
I think this was a Master Jaycee creation??


    1.6 MB · Views: 2
I have built a standalone, for this(finally)..
I will upload all of this to SOH the files by Master Jaycee.
So ALL can again have this bird.


  • Ar 234 NF 001.jpg
    Ar 234 NF 001.jpg
    49.5 KB · Views: 0
  • Ar 234 NF 002.jpg
    Ar 234 NF 002.jpg
    50.5 KB · Views: 0
Be careful. The original was payware (Firepower) so the standalone cannot include anything but the modified skins, and Jaycee's weapons and pylons.
I'm finding that the Firepower Ar 234 was pretty unstable in anything other than straight and level flight.

For the night fighter I found it helpful to make an adjustment to the Aircraft.cfg file. Near the bottom I raised the Pitch and Yaw stability from 1.0 to 2.0., and just to get a little more responsiveness for the tail chase I raised the thrust scalar to 1.50.
I got so fed up with the FM I decided to completely replace it. As anything would be an improvement I just looked for an AvHistory plane of similar size, weight, and configuration and found the Mosquito was the best match. I added in the info to give it turbine engines and called it good. It might not fly quite like an AR 234, but at least it flies like an airplane.
If you would like to permanently eliminate the rear firing guns (as was typically done on the production aircraft) you can edit the xpd file a little more aggressively than Jaycee outlined. You can replace the entire GunStations and Seats section near the top of the file with this text. (please make a back-up copy first)

<Seat Name="Pilot">
<Station Name="Pilot" Type="pilot_station" View="0" FovUp="25" FovDown="15">
<PadlockLimit AzimuthMin="-154" AzimuthMax="154" ElevationMax="90" ElevationMin="-55"/>
<View Event="HeadStop"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUp" Azimuth="0" Elevation="-30"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDown" Azimuth="0" Elevation="30"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpLeft" Azimuth="-45" Elevation="5"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchUpRight" Azimuth="45" Elevation="5"/>
<View Event="HeadRotLeft" Azimuth="-90" Elevation="-5"/>
<View Event="HeadRotRight" Azimuth="90" Elevation="-5"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownLeft" Azimuth="-154" Elevation="0"/>
<View Event="HeadPitchDownRight" Azimuth="154" Elevation="0"/>
<Station Name="Bombardier" Type="bomber_station" View="1" MaxFOV="50"/>
<Station Name="Periscope" Type="pilot_station" View="2">