Arado 234 P

We have a conversion kit to convert the Firepower A-234 to a B variant nightfighter, made by Jaycee. He did a good job with it but it shows the shortfalls the night fighter variant of the 234 had. Only a few were ever used and I don't think they recorded any kills.

I started one several years ago and within a few hours had the exterior done except for the rear wheels and doors. A real easy model to make hint hint..... Someone with a bot of time and coffee in a weekend you could have the exterior done.:ukraine:
It's one I'd really like to see built, but I'd rather make something that was genuinely useful in service for CFS3. Perhaps you might like to try your hand?
Tried installing these , they dont work well; when the engin is started they come on only part of the time.
Can this be corrected?