S! I get hit by AA about every 3rd mission. I'm constantly changing direction and altitude. Average alt is >8K. AA too accurate. That's no fun! AI bullets 'weighted' more than mine, it seems. That's no fun, either. Also, the 'scramble' missions aren't worth the trouble. Take this out of the Campaign unless airbase is right at the front line. The attackers have ridiculous advantage. The prudent thing to do would be to take cover! I'd think the airbase would get the 'heads up' from fwd position so that this event would be extremely rare. The 'sausages' don't seem to fly high enough and they could be winched down very quickly. Is that changeable? Would it ever be possible to stalk 2-holers more accurrately? I flew up and under a single RE8 and Harry Tate was able to jack me up good! I don't remember seeing a hole in the floor for him to use. I stayed directly under- honest! Lastly, why do the squad mates dive into overwhelming odds battles? Mano-a-mano is tough enough if AI has the better machine but why fly into suicide trap? It's hard enough to survive as it is. I've learned to let the mates go on and die and I get the heck outta there if I can't find advantage. So far I haven't been court-martialed. I'm not a coward- just cautious. Like Jimmy Doolittle says: 'there are old pilots and bold pilots but no old bold pilots'. I've always liked Jimmy! The longest I've lasted is a smidge over 10 hours and I think I was shot down by my own wingie. And that's flying with frame rates in the single digits when it gets to a shootin' match! BHaH is really neat but I'd have to say I'm in the 'scaleable AI' camp. S! P.S. any word about N28's, DH-5's and Zeppelins?