If you want the detailed runway/taxiway textures, make sure you download and install
both of the two .zip files provided. This scenery is just like the Duxford scenery, with the amount of care and attention to making sure every little detail is present all around the airport. As a diehard warbird enthusiast, this scenery is absolutely brilliant, and long sought-after!
In addition to so much other aviation activity, Ardmore has a huge presence in the warbird industry and community, including NZ Warbirds and the restoration companies Avspecs and Pioneer Aero. Avspecs is known for their DH Mosquito restorations, having restored three to fly. They have also been responsible for the restoration of three Spitfires, five P-40s, two Dragon Rapides (one just recently test flying last week), and more. Avspecs are currently working on restoring two more Mosquitos to fly, a Hawk 75/P-36, and have a Japanese Tony project in waiting. Pioneer Aero is certainly the world's most prolific restorer of P-40s, having been involved in the restoration of over a dozen of the Curtiss fighters. They have also restored to fly a P-39, LA-9, and more. Currently they are working on at least two more P-40s, an SBD Dauntless, and have a couple Kingfisher projects in waiting.
TB252 is one of three Spitfires restored by Avspecs, completed and first test flown at Ardmore in 2020. Owned by Charles Somers, it was shipped to Sacramento, CA following test flying, where it is operated today.