Are you a victim of "Your packages need updating" yet?


Are you a victim of "Your packages need updating" yet?

In recent days, many (most? all?) MSFS users have been confronted while in flight by a message that "Your packages need updating" and giving you a choice of Yes (to go back to the sign-in screen and restore online function) or No.

If you pick No, the sim boots you offline and you get to experience the nostalgia of flying over the FSX world, with no access to online functions.

If you pick Yes, the sim does nothing for a long time, with no progress or status bar, making you think it might have crashed. Then it resets your sim, having wiped your log to zero hours, returned most of your options and settings to defaults, and it is not clear what else it wipes. It does not, thank goodness, uninstall your mods or delete your controller settings.

I got the error a few times over the past week but was not foolish enough to click "Yes" until today.

There is a long thread with hundreds of posts about this on the official MSFS forum and no useful answers from the devs.

If you have not encountered this yet, you are lucky, but it may be a matter of "when," not "if."

My advice, if you get the "Your packages need updating" box, is to do the following:

(1) Delete MSFS from your system permanently and go back to playing a proper program such as Prepar3d.

(2) OK, just kidding. When you get the message the first time, click "No." You'll then be offline.

(3) Open all of the options screens you can think of and write down or take screen shots of all your settings. That would include, at a minimum, your video, audio, accessibility, traffic, misc, and all of your assistance (i.e. realism) settings.

(4) Go to your Options/Data screen. You'll see that online functionality has been turned off. Turn it on again. Continue your flight.

(5) Pretty soon you'll get the "Your packages need updating" screen again. This time, select Yes. Ignore the fact that the sim seems to freeze up. Wait it out. Eventually you'll get the theme music you probably turned off ages ago, a lot of pretty splash screens, and eventually you'll be returned to the Accessibility settings menu (for interface size, etc., etc.) just like the first time you ever started the game. Everything will be reset to default. Use the screenshot you took in step 3 to restore your preferred settings.

(6) The game will then start. Your log book will be at zero hours, all your flights are gone forever, sorry about that. Go through all the options and settings menus and restore everything to the values on those screenshots from step 3.

(7) Go to your content manager, you'll probably need to update a few things.

(8) Go back to enjoying your sim. If you get the "Your packages need updating" screen again, click No, quit the sim, and go back to playing a proper program such as Prepar3d - this time I'm not kidding - until Asobo and MS figure out how to stop breaking your game.

Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

YGBSM. As you know I just reinstalled FS. If this is what's in store after that then it's going to be only AC for a while.
I've had this happen a few times and have assumed it's some glitch with the many cloud-based services required to run the sim. (When this happens I check to see if there are any reports related to xbox, azure, microsoft, etc. )

As much as I'm enjoying MSFS (despite its prolonged 'open' beta development phase), my biggest concern with MSFS is also key to its potential: near-critical reliance on cloud technology. I'm just glad real aircraft have more robust tech. Let's hope Microsoft and Boeing never merge! :untroubled:

- dcc
I just did a short repo flight from KSIF to KGSO and it was quite nice. There was the normal bumpiness of a low flight, and the localizer didn't grab, but other than that, it was nice.
Just discovered my flight log only has two days worth of data. Not a big deal as I don't track it, but still annoying. I hope the fix recovers the "lost" logging.
There seems to be some issue with MS data feeds - perhaps foolishly, I tried a flight earlier having read this string of posts - no warning message but no photo scenery / photogrammetry - just the base data. This despite everything being "on" in settings. Gave up in despair and resorted to Google - found an old thread from late last year where someone suggested logging out of Xbox Live and then logging back in again. Tried it and it worked. Seems odd because beforehand my "Status" when I clicked on my username was "online" which I clearly wasn't ..... Also the store option was greyed out.

Hopefully solved ... that said was reasonably impressed by the quality of the base scenery, at least as good as XP11 - but it wasn't what I paid for !
When I hit yes, after 5 minutes it booted to X-Plane. Looks like a hack.

:biggrin-new: It's these slightly throwaway lines that creep up and get you in the funnies.

Yes I too had this. I ran a network monitoring tool and noticed that the sim would try to go to the authorising site but it would go into a time/wait loop then close connection state. So I thought my ISP wasnt DNS resolving properly. So I used googles ( and alternate - look up how to do it if you dont know how ) and flushed the DNS ( ipconfig /flushdns in the CMD line ).

This had the effect of knocking me off Xbox ( which it shouldnt but it did ) So I logged back in and problem solved. So far 6 hours with 9 restarts and no issues. My issue with the inability to change the weather and time is still there but that is because I havent made the correct sacrifices to the Ancient Ones.
Yes , i got that problem today too , and it took away some of my settings , and i can´t get multiplayer to work . The settings is restored but no luck with multiplayer yet , and i did log out and in the "account" .... hope for better tomorrow q:i ~
For those that have not had this yet, what DNS IP(s) are you using? I haven't had this happen, and like "pilto von pilto," I'm using and, and have been for years.

Did happen to me yesterday out of the blue. So far only all lot of (general) settings set back to default.
- Logbook is still intact (not that i use it)
- Key/joystick bindings are still intact
- Graphical settings are still intact

Strong reminder to back my MSFS setting folder more often.

I went to Settings in Windows apps ... and download the latest update there , then get to The Store and update the rest , start the Msfs and update ~22 Gb ? then restart Sim and download some more .... OK , everything works again , live weather too but not Multiplayer .... :( :banghead:

Not sure if it's a typo, but that second Google DNS IP should be

Well I'll be. I am using as the alternate instead of - changed. Thanks for that. Hadnt made a difference but still.

Did some looking around and I think it is because their servers work a little like the amazonaws ones where the IP addresses are dynamically allotted. Either way can confirm no further issues with the packages need updating. That said I havent applied the new update. Perhaps I'll get my time and weather sliders back ? And maybe they have fixed the lower case g issue on the chooser UI... that one is my slight OCD kicking in though.
I went to Settings in Windows apps ... and download the latest update there , then get to The Store and update the rest , start the Msfs and update ~22 Gb ? then restart Sim and download some more .... OK , everything works again , live weather too but not Multiplayer .... :( :banghead:


SOLVED .... after i fiddled around with Flight Conditions , i finely got Multiplayer to work again :)
