Any good stuff to report?
I linked it in another thread here somewhere, but I guess it didn't catch your attention. Like all the other "good stuff" I've posted, eh? Do excuse me for being just slightly ****** *** over having 70 minutes of hard-earned kill robbed off me and feeling the need to vent over it, I guess the immersive quality of your sim has worked too well in my case and I've felt an undue amount of angst. Hell of a double-edged sword you've got there...ok for peeps to be overwhelmed by the goodness and post accordingly (as I have done, multiple times) but god forbid that cuts both ways.
I guess you've never served in real life....
Getting screwed over is the universal common denominator of all soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines since Christ was a corporal. If you weren't cheated of credit on a regular basis for your hard-earned work, for which you risked your life and limb, and then told to carry on and do the same tomorrow, it wouldn't be the military. Not to mention the horrible food (when you get any), the lack of sleep, being cold and wet all the time, not having a bath in months, the absence of mail from home except those where your girl dumps you, stupid ossifers with insane plans for your future, the list goes on. And this is BEFORE you consider that just a few miles away there are thousands of guys trying their best to kill you.
There's a reason folks in the military have sayings like "You just got the Big Green Wienie", "Bend over, here it comes again", and why they have some seriously obscene lyrics to the theme from the Mickey Mouse Club show.
Seriously, the more I get screwed in OFF, the more I like it because that makes it more realistic to me. If all my claims were confirmed, if all my fights were successful, if I never wasted my time doing something unproductive and not fun, I'd uninstall the game forthwith. I don't like being screwed, but I'd hate it if I wasn't. IMHO, OFF perfectly captures the angst of being a cog in a huge machine that's regarded by all as being expendable.
Of course, because of all this, it's the universal privelege of troops to complain about their hardships. But never in the presence of the ossifers, or your life will get even worse. That's why there's an NCOs' club :friday:
War is Hell. You're a flyboy. At worst, you'll go down in flames. But until then, you've got clean-ish sheets, something resembling a roof over your head, probably a batman, and access to booze and women. Your everyday life doesn't include hanging your helment on the decaying leg of some nameless corpse that's protruding from the side of your trench before you lie to sleep fully clothed in the reeking mud while wearing your gas mask, with your hands in your pockets to keep the rats from gnawing off your fingers. So you get a claimed denied once in a while. Big deal.
I guess you've never served in real life....
Fair enough Siggi thanks. First thing I'd look at when one of my games crashes randomly is my overclocking/graphics settings/game settings etc.
No selective reading virus, just concerned with thread titles keep saying "BUG!" when it's usually not or it's minor.
Someone glancing in the forum sees a load of those they won't bother buying it.
Anyway thanks.
And looking at the sales figures ..... BUGGED!!!
My advice would be this...knock this out at $20 or $30, go for volume, and then put out new a/c with their inclusion into squads etc for $10 a pop (DL only).
Also remember that people are holding out for RoF, fondly imagining that it's going to run on their computers, offer a magical online experience AND have a dynamic campaign worth a wank (in 1918 only). Once they've gotten over the eye-candy of that, then discover it's got about as much dynamic-campaign soul as IL2, they'll come flocking to the one they heard so much goodness about.
OFF is going to be a creeper, not a banger. Your price-point and time-placement has seen to that I think. If you want it to fly off the shelves, right here and right now, slash the price. Otherwise just be patient and hang in for the long haul. It'll generate critical mass, but it'll take time.
Fair enough Siggi thanks. First thing I'd look at when one of my games crashes randomly is my overclocking/graphics settings/game settings etc.
No selective reading virus, just concerned with thread titles keep saying "BUG!" when it's usually not or it's minor.
Someone glancing in the forum sees a load of those they won't bother buying it.
Anyway thanks.