Arizona Scenery


Charter Member
Hey fellas, I need your advice. Can anyone recommend realistic scenery for the stretch between Glen Canyon and The Confluence? (of the Colorado & Little Colorado Rivers)

Glen Canyon dam in the FS9 default scenery is a joke and the 3rd-party sceneries I've found are no better on that aspect. I have yet to find a scenery which has the two Navajo bridges.

As always, your input is valued.

- H52
Seriously, I was just thinking about Rainbow bridge in FS today. However, I apologize for not being able to provide the scenery, but I would like this, too.

I was just up on Powell for the first time in my life 3 weeks ago, and we boated to the bridge. One of the best days of my life; sucked my fiance couldn't share it with me. :kilroy: :bump:
I have asked Robert Ferraro about a complete Arizona Mega Scenery. He has done Phoenix, but not the entire state.

There is a guy that has the entire state of Arizona for X-Plane. Its resolution isnt the greatest, but from 3,000+ feet, its nice. Cost is about $50.00 on CD.

Sarge --- thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, BlueSky does not incorporate the area of my interest. He's either up in Southern Utah or in PHX and TUS.

- H52
Thanks Lionheart. I have Googled "Arizona Megascenery" and have found a Land of Oz outfit that does scenery, but nothing on Arizona (plus it's only for FSX). There is another "Megascenery" available, but only for PHX.

PT -- if I find what I'm seeking, I'll let you know. Rainbow Bridge is a fairly small natural feature, so it may not get modeled.

- H52
WOW!!! I'd never heard of Tile Proxy. I would try it in a heartbeat except I don't connect my FS 'puter to The Web, because I deliberately have no anti-virus (etc.) protection.

Thanks for the info MM.

- H52
My TileProxy no longer works. I wonder if all the map guys got together and figured out how to keep me out of their systems, lol..


This might sound weird, but if you have a good mesh like LOD 10 and you have a good texture pack like Ground Environment Pro and you get a scenery placement program so you can place bridges or whatever anyplace you want, wouldn't that do it?
Rich... certainly sounds logical. I'm really not a scenery person -- I've only dabbled in Rwy 12. Maybe I should find me Dam (in some object library) and try dropping it into the default Glen Canyon, eh???
- H52
I'm not a scenery person either, but I think Flight1 has a scenery placement program for about $30. I looked at it briefly some time ago and it seems iirc you can drag-and-drop add objects while in fs9. I thought about getting it to add missing bridges and stuff like that but never got around to it.
This is what FSGenesis and UT do to the area in the first three shots. UT removes the default dam but you can add it back from the default library using Instant Scenery from Flight One. It's not perfect by any means but not bad from a distance. You can also add as many bridges as you like from the default library of bridges. Try it, it's loads of fun. :icon_lol:
This is what FSGenesis and UT do to the area in the first three shots. UT removes the default dam but you can add it back from the default library using Instant Scenery from Flight One. It's not perfect by any means but not bad from a distance. You can also add as many bridges as you like from the default library of bridges. Try it, it's loads of fun. :icon_lol:
Do you mind uploading that fix? I don't have money to spend on Instant Scenery to do it myself, neither do I have patience... and if those are in fact default objects, it should be no problem to upload it!
Do you mind uploading that fix? I don't have money to spend on Instant Scenery to do it myself, neither do I have patience... and if those are in fact default objects, it should be no problem to upload it!

Here it is, but it won't work unless you have UT and FSGenesis.

Just delete the txt extender and drop it in any active scenery folder.
Thank you muchly! I LOVE flying in the Arizona Strip region (southern Utah, northern Arizona)!
It is kind of in my blood, if you will. Both sides of my family have roots there in the Mormon migration. And I simply cannot get enough of that spare, dry landscape!
WOW! It's Christmas in July!!! I was gonna say "Terry, looks like you're onto something" when a couple of lines further down I find you provided the fix!!! Very gracious of you. Yes indeed, that fills the bill very nicely.

And Rich12545, I will buy the Flight 1 program as I have many bridges to install/replace, starting with the two Navajo Bridges on Alt.89

Btw, until 2-1/2 years ago, I lived in Arizona and that area plus the Grand Canyon were always on the list of "must-sees" when visitors were in town. I'll be back there in October as a visitor myself, but with some Florida low-landers in tow. :icon_lol:
- H52