The plane was underpowered as all early war twin bombers were. The sim actually wouldn't allow me to use the spec weights. When I used the weight figures, the plane wouldn't even roll unless the plane had 25% fuel and no bomb load.
The flightmodel was developed in two stages, first using the spec weight to determine yaw, pitch, and roll. Then I changed the gross weight to get the plane to roll and eventually take off. Then the rate of climb was increased to get the plane to take off too. Using the specs, the plane would not clear the trees (don't get me started on the placement of the trees). I also had to modify the runways to allow the plane to use the entire length as in CFS3 the stock settings waste about 15-20% of the runway and with all the bombers, you need every foot. I posted the runway mod and I think it is in ETO, but I am not sure.
Finally, to have the plane (all of the planes that I have developed as well as the AvH ones) to fly well you need to select the "hard" flightmodel if not it flies (or not) poorly.