Arrestor Cables


Charter Member
Where does FS9 store the ArrestorCables.dat file, or the Carrier Operations Gauge Package? It is in the sim file itself, or is it in the "master" file in the operating system folder? I'm trying to add an arrestor cable zone but can't find where to put the data.:ques:
From memory, as I haven't go it installed at the moment, if you are using the ArrCab program it creates its folder in the main FS9 folder, with the data file inside. I am sure others will reply, and there'll probably be links at the bottom of this thread to related replies to earlier threads. I know its been covered before.
If you are using the rcbco-30 package, the arrester and catapult files are located in the gauge folder.
I just checked, my machine says I've got rcbco20 installed, which is working fine. Will downloading and installing rcbco30 make life more difficult in my digital world?
I would look in the read me file and decide if it is worth the effort to install the latest version. I just re installed FS9 and haven't gotten around to reinstalling aircraft carriers.
I just checked, my machine says I've got rcbco20 installed, which is working fine. Will downloading and installing rcbco30 make life more difficult in my digital world?

Yes, it will :) was intended for FSX only, not FS9.

Regards, Rob
If you are in FS9, why don't you use Rcbco20 or ArrCab? The most recent ArrCab can be set for any "next landing" to be arrested even without an arrestor wire zone.
The most recent ArrCab can be set for any "next landing" to be arrested even without an arrestor wire zone.
Where can be found ?
On all libraries I found only old versions ....
If you are in FS9, why don't you use Rcbco20 or ArrCab? The most recent ArrCab can be set for any "next landing" to be arrested even without an arrestor wire zone.

I've got Rcbco20 already installed. When I downloaded the ALPHA CVN-65 scenery for Puerto Rico, I found in addition an add-on that said it would add an arrestor zone for this carrier. From what the CVN-65 readme said, "out of the box" it can only be used as a helipad. I haven't been to it yet to determine if you can trap on it, or shoot off it, but I'll give it a try using Rcbco20.
I may have to take you up on your generous offer.

I found the .doc file for the rcbco20 in my sim. It makes reference to the following:

"The area's in which a catapult lauch or cable trap is possible, are defined in
files dsd_catapult_zones.ini resp. dsd_arrester_zones.ini."

Where the heck is "dsd_catapult_zones.ini restp" and "dsd_arrester_zones.ini"?

Update: FOUND 'EM! Even got the arrestor zone installed so at least the ball appears in the list when you click the plus or minus signs at the upper corners. Now all I need to do is figure out the following: Where is catapult 1? Is it the left forward cat or the right forward cat (which in the sim already has its JBD extended)? The Shift+Z heading for the aircraft on the l. waist cat is 083 degrees; on the l. forward cat it is 081 degrees. If I can figure out which cat we're talking about I can live with that. I just need to know which cat to go to and how to activate it.
I spoke too soon. I get the Enterprise's ID in the RCBCO20's meatball display, but when it's within sight the display says it's about 3700 miles away.

Beginning to look like a snarled mess. May give thought to scrapping the entire thing.:banghead: