

Tuesday I installed W-10 over 8.1, it all went well and I was pleased to find that FSX and FS9 worked just fine (after adding no-cd to FS9). I always shut the PC down at night, so when I started it Wednesday I noticed the icon that starts FS9 looked strange. Clicking on it got me the message that it was not connected to anything and would I like to delete it. I immediately opened explorer and sure enough FS9 was gone completely. All I could find of it were the cfg. files in the users folder. I Googled the problem and sure enough W-10 deletes programs and files it decides are not fully compatible without permission!

Now THAT Microsoft is the epitome of condescending arrogance!
I'm curious Terry (as I am thinking about taking the same leap with my Win 8.1 system).

Did you have this window where you tell Win 10 to keep your apps etc?


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I've never seen that window before. But when it started the first time it said "all your programs and files are where you left them". And they were, until day two!
As an aside, I have twice tried the W10 thing and reverted back to W7 64. Reason, FSXSE ran at a crawl it was just awful. Also it interfered with FSXA and caused all sorts of horrible scenery.cfg errors. Nope, I will be sticking with W7 for as long as I can. :a1310:
As an aside, I have twice tried the W10 thing and reverted back to W7 64. Reason, FSXSE ran at a crawl it was just awful. Also it interfered with FSXA and caused all sorts of horrible scenery.cfg errors. Nope, I will be sticking with W7 for as long as I can. :a1310:

FSX seems to be okay, and going back for me is to 8.1 which is also pathetic. If I could go to 7 I would.
Did you install to the default location or to something outside the "protected" zone? Even as far back as Win 7, you get better results by installing to a custom location such as C:\Aded Programs instead of the default. I use this method for any program package that even hints at the possibility of customizing so that Windows won't try to revert modified files.
Did you install to the default location or to something outside the "protected" zone? Even as far back as Win 7, you get better results by installing to a custom location such as C:\Aded Programs instead of the default. I use this method for any program package that even hints at the possibility of customizing so that Windows won't try to revert modified files.

FSX is in the default folder and it's fine. FS9 was in C:\ outside protected zone folder and it's gone gone gone! Everything is backed up on an external drive but as you know it's a pain in the but to redo it all.

What I don't know is if I reinstall FS9 will W-10 delete it again?
I'm gonna have to defer to the rest of the members that have FS9 running in their Win 10 setups. I still have 7 and don't plan to switch any time soon.
You really have to be so paranoid about W10.
I have GWX which is supposed to stop any downloading of w10, but which it seemed to have missed this time! Maybe I had the settings wrong, thinking on it.
There was a tiny symbol in the 'Shut Down' which I registered, but thought nothing of....big mistake, as it turned out.

When I restarted the computer I found 2 of my paid programs gone ! and everything else switched about. The paid for stuff was Malwarebytes Premium and my copy of easyHDR. I'm not sure if it was trying to install W10 or not, but it took 3 days to get the computer working nearly normally again!
Be careful out there.
Unbelievable! One of the big points the Windows 10 add declares constantly is that "no files left behind". I have avoided it like the plague up until now. Of course every day at least once I need to close the add that pops up asking if I want to install it. So annoying. For the last couple of weeks a new ad has been popping up sprouting about the last chance to install Windows 10 for free before the offer runs out on July 29th. I was actually considering it seriously for a day or two - just because the free offer was about to run out.

Then I snapped to my senses, and I will not let Microsoft ruin my perfectly good setup for free.

I used the Media Tool to update both my laptops & lost nothing.
My P3D is in it's default install directory. I have 3x installs of FS2004, in it's default directory & also in my C:\ drive.
Nothing lost at all. No other programs, freeware or paid lost either.
I've also 'Restored to previous OS's few times as well, also with no loss or issues.

I used the Media Tool, as clicking on that icon in the toolbar was not successful at all.
My win 10 is a brand new set up on a new pc, and I hooked up my external drive with fs9 installed in it and it runs really well. Win 10 is different and did take me a bit of time to get to know it and to get used to it. However Win 10 won't install FS9 or FSX from the DVD drive, the autorun doesn't work with them at all. I already had FS9 on the external drive so that works.
However Win 10 won't install FS9 or FSX from the DVD drive, the autorun doesn't work with them at all. I already had FS9 on the external drive so that works.

Actually, Win 10 WILL install from the DVD drive. Mine did. It auto ran but the 1st DVD took ages to start.
However Win 10 won't install FS9 or FSX from the DVD drive, the autorun doesn't work with them at all. I already had FS9 on the external drive so that works.

I don't have W10 on any of my computers (nor plan to) but AutoPlay in W7 is selectable for different types of cd/DVD content thru Control Panel. It's even a separate Control Panel menu item. It may well be that with W10 it is set to "Do Nothing" for software and programs by default.
I've finally got both FS9 and FSX installation disks working....I disabled the autoplay feature. It still doesn't autorun after I put in the DVDs/CDs, however. After I disabled the autoplay feature I inserted the CD/DVD and I clicked on the "This PC" icon on the desktop (may be the same as in W7 and W8 I think although I never had these versions, in XP it's "My Computer") to open the panel with the hard drive icons and the DVD/RW drive icons and clicked on the DVD/CD icon to view the disk contents and just clicked on the setup exe in it and it installs normally from there.

Edit; previously with the autoplay turned on, the disk contents would show in a window, but there were only blank files and I couldn't find the setup exes so it didn't work. Turning off the autoplay however meant that the files showed up properly.
Write to Microsoft and demand damages. Maybe they will answer and say what went wrong at least! I read that one person already got $10000 in recompense because of lost revenue due to her laptop becoming unusable.
Interesting to see if you can claim damages for a 12 year old game that will/may not autorun in Microsoft's latest operating system.
The USA has got a reputation for frivolous lawsuits. (& actually winning!)
Write to Microsoft and demand damages. Maybe they will answer and say what went wrong at least! I read that one person already got $10000 in recompense because of lost revenue due to her laptop becoming unusable.

Yeah, but that was someone who had a business that was seriously impacted when she lost a lot of her work work and couldn't use a lot of her software, and she was able to demonstrate financial losses due to an automatic "up"grade that she hadn't requested or approved.

We suffer no significant financial loss when we can't indulge in a hobby. Maybe if it happened to a profitable payware developer - if there's any such thing as a profitable payware developer...

It helps one's case that MS's W10 automatic updates appear to be in violation of a federal law that prohibits making unauthorized changes to someone's computer. The W10 automatic upgrade meets the technical and legal definitions of malware!

I don't suppose MS will be prosecuted for that violation; I'm sure the company is well enough connected to avoid that. But it is certainly liable if it messes up someone's business or otherwise costs them financially, as that case shows. And it may not be the last case of its kind (and I hope it isn't!) But to prevail in civil litigation you would have to be able to demonstrate that the unwanted upgrade cost you lost money. My guess is that of you add up the money you spent on FS9 and the payware you bought for it (probably discounted for the years of use you got out of it) you wouldn't come up with a figure that would cover the cost of hiring a lawyer to take your claim to court. Remember, unlike some countries, in the US your court costs are not included in the settlement if you win.