AS Dauhpin Download Prob


Staff member
I'm starting a new thread on this in the hopes that someone else has run into this and has either figured out why or has been in touch with AS to get a fix that I don't know about.

I purchased the Helicopter, the payment went through and I was returned to the download link. However, when I click on "download" I get the normal bitmap window with the User name and password but this one says I'm downloading the Tornado Expansion Pack, not the Dauphin.

I've already used up three of the 10 available downloads just trying to get it to work correctly. Either they linked the Dauphin info to the Tornado screen bitmap and I would actually be downloading the Dauphin or it's really going to be the Tornado Expansion Pack that I end up getting.

Ok, a little update. . .at least on my system, when I get the download window for the Expansion Pack and I copy the password in preparation to insert it into the authentication window and then click to continue it takes me past the normal window to insert the information and directly to. . . .(drum roll). . .the download page for the FSX/FS9 Tornado Expansion Pack. Something is screwed up and I wish they would fix it.
Just a thought, but have you emailed Phil? He is the only one that can sort it, and it's morning where he is now.
Just a thought, but have you emailed Phil? He is the only one that can sort it, and it's morning where he is now.
Yep, sure did and I just got an e-mail from him saying it's fixed. Some mispelling in the code. Headed over to download.