So I've been working on the effects.xml, and noticed that as part of an aircraft breaking into pieces there is an effect triggered that leaves a small fire and column of black smoke hanging in space. It lasts about a minute if you circle around close enough to where the airplane broke apart to see it.
All of the other effects associated with the aircraft explosion either track along with the falling pieces, or dissipate in the first few seconds as expected.
I've been through all of the effects listed in the System Damage section of the aircraft where I see this happening and none of them do this.
I've also tried hundred of individual effects lines to see if any of them look like what I'm seeing, and have not been able to locate the culprit. (grnd_fire_static_sg was the closest I found)
I'm thinking this may be related to some hard coded default effect that is called when the Effect="Break" is triggered.
I went back through a wide collection of effects.xml files, and it seems to have been a long standing problem, and I'm still looking for one that has this fixed.
I do remember this being discussed long ago, but a search through 14 pages of results related to the effects.xml didn't turn up the right thread.
Anyone remember the fix, or have any suggestions on where I should look next?
All of the other effects associated with the aircraft explosion either track along with the falling pieces, or dissipate in the first few seconds as expected.
I've been through all of the effects listed in the System Damage section of the aircraft where I see this happening and none of them do this.
I've also tried hundred of individual effects lines to see if any of them look like what I'm seeing, and have not been able to locate the culprit. (grnd_fire_static_sg was the closest I found)
I'm thinking this may be related to some hard coded default effect that is called when the Effect="Break" is triggered.
I went back through a wide collection of effects.xml files, and it seems to have been a long standing problem, and I'm still looking for one that has this fixed.
I do remember this being discussed long ago, but a search through 14 pages of results related to the effects.xml didn't turn up the right thread.
Anyone remember the fix, or have any suggestions on where I should look next?