Asobo Aviat Husky Repaint Kit


Just bought the Aviat Husky from Asobo. Love it. Would like to try doing a few repaints. Does anyone know if Asobo has a paint kit, or if anyone has made a paint kit? If so, any idea where it can be found? I have tired Googling, searching, etc. and I have been unsuccessful finding one.


I don't think asobo cares about repaints, I've yet to see a paintkit by asobo. Maybe simeone else will make one, but usually you're on your own...
Just bought the Aviat Husky from Asobo. Love it. Would like to try doing a few repaints. Does anyone know if Asobo has a paint kit, or if anyone has made a paint kit? If so, any idea where it can be found? I have tired Googling, searching, etc. and I have been unsuccessful finding one.



I may have a blender kit, let me look around my paint files