Asobo has finally acquired the license to the Antonov AN-2


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YoYo will be happy to hear that it will be released alongside Sim Update 12 sometime in March.
YoYo will be happy to hear that it will be released July 14th, or whenever Sim Update 14 is released.

Wow! Great news, finally! My painting desk is ready from long time for Anushka! :wavey:
Thx for HU.
So glad to finally see this come to light. Those who have used the Sibwings/ATS version in FSX/P3D will be right at home as this is basically the same thing, and I'm very much looking forward to it. Tons of repaint possibilities.
yes please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The problem (at beginning) could be date of release in March (I suppose) F-15E for DCS on which Im waiting from long time. I think, they will release it near beginning of March. If yes, Im sure, I'll sink in it :wiggle:. But ealier or later I'll do this skin too. Everything can still change ;)