Asobo partnering with Orbx for LL VIII: DHC-4 Caribou

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This was announced a few weeks ago during the developer Q&A but it seems no one got around to posting it here. Note: These screenshots were taken from the live stream and are not great quality.
I'll be waiting for that ! Looks fantastic all over !

3 cheers for these delecious looking steam gauges ! Who wants to look at a boring glass panel when you can feast your eyes on this ! Steam gauges Rule !! :applause::applause: :applause: hehe

Thanks for the HU, AK ! :encouragement:
Personally, I am just glad to see something different. The Carenado Local Legends/Famous Flyers don't really do much for me. Orbx aircraft can be a bit hit or miss but hey, it's a Caribou, the last Caribou we had was what, the FS9 AlphaSim model?
Personally, I am just glad to see something different. The Carenado Local Legends/Famous Flyers don't really do much for me. Orbx aircraft can be a bit hit or miss but hey, it's a Caribou, the last Caribou we had was what, the FS9 AlphaSim model?

I think Mike Stone also made one.

Don BP;)
I wonder if this project is in any way connected to the Tailored Radials Caribou project that I posted about there back in 2016? That guy's page has long disappeared. Just wondering.
I swear, looking at my aircraft folder, it feels like I have more planes from DeHavilland/DH Canada than anybody else this side of Cessna.

And I'm 100% fine with that!
Thx for info and HU. I will take it too.
Btw. Maybe moderator can connect this two topics about DHC-4? I see that we have 2 similar topics, thx!
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