I guess that is the question. What ati drivers now seem to offer the best results with cfs3, eto, maw and korean skies? I have a 1950 video card with 512 ram. Thanks in advance bwchaney
Because my card is a Visiontek Radeon 512Mb 2600 Pro AGP card, I use Visiontek 8.6n driver. I have had problems with the ATI drivers, because they do not recognize 2600 AGP, only 2600 PCe. With the Visiontek drivers, I have outstanding results, am maxed out and everything runs smoothly......... knock on wood.:d
I guess that is the question. What ati drivers now seem to offer the best results with cfs3, eto, maw and korean skies? I have a 1950 video card with 512 ram. Thanks in advance bwchaney
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