Atlanta, we have a problem.


I have all three of the USA Modern Cities series and I think they are super. But there is a distinct problem with Atlanta. The Atlanta Braves new ball park, Truist Field, is not shown when Photogrammetry is On, but it appears with Photogrammetry Off. I don't know who one would contract to correct this? Thwe Braves old ball park, Fulton County Stadium is still shown as the Braves ball park. It is now the Georgia State Football stadium. Anyone having to do with USA Modern Cities, please correct this.



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The official forum has a bug reporting section, but I don't think you'll get much results. It takes an update to the satellite data to fix something like that.
I'm guessing you want to report this to SamScene3D, as it sounds like the stadium is part of their scenery but not shown if photogrammetry is enabled.

The photogrammetry for Atlanta predates the new stadium, so it's gonna take new plane flights to update that. I'm guessing that's at the whim of the Azure Maps team.

But SamScene could have the stadium show as part of their add-on. If you're seeing it with photogrammetry off, I'm guessing it actually IS part of the add-on, because Asobo wouldn't likely create the object only for TIN-off mode, but SamScene3D must have a bug that's keeping it from showing.