Atlantic and channel colors

Looks like you're using my environment effects, but you don't have horizon fog/haze turned on. It's a setting in the cfs3 config utility. This should adjust the color some if you enable it. They will still be somewhat green mind you but less so than that. Select overcast, rain or snow and it will be fairly dark and green and stormy looking. A clear sunny day like the one you show should produce a more blue-ish tint to the water.
Sorry, Gecko, I don't understand. What I have to do exactly to change the waves and color of the water?
Please can you explain.

All the best

You will need to download my environment effects package v2.0, there are several different versions, one for each of the expansions, so make sure you get the right one. Then when you select one of the weather patterns included in the package, the sea color will change accordingly.