Atr 72


Flight Sim Junkie
So does anyone have that freeware ATR 72 by Francisco Sánchez-Castañer? The aircraft and panel are pretty decent and there a quite a few repaints out there if you look hard enough. The only issue with the aircraft is a bug where the thrust reversers will not shut off once applied :(. I was hoping that someone here was using this aircraft and found a cure the issue. You can read about the FS model here.

I threw my RXP Jet Line 2s in the cocpit and she really looks nice to me. :jump: Now if only I can rid myself of this reverser bug. :kilroy: :isadizzy:

LouP :wavey:
havent flown this freeware version of the atr yet
but I have to say the link in your post is nice:applause:

i Like ATR's and i have that one
changed the panel etc
there are a few problems with the original
fd's but i have not had that problem
or at least i do not now
i will double check though
That was the main bug with the 72 model. The 42-300 is really nice, though.

I don't know if this file fixes the reversers or not...but it's worth a shot.
@ flightsim
FS2004 Improved ATR 72-500 Flight Dynamics by Andy Berry
I like the 42, also but really prefer a VC. So I think I will try and fix this myself but really am noit sure how to right now. Any information as to where the problem could lie will be very appreciated. I am going to start by looking at the aircraft.cfg and then the .air file though I am not even sure what I am looking for yet lol. :pop4:

LouP :wavey:
The 42 has a VC.
And great sound.

Search flightsim library "Claus Vendelboe Holmberg". He reworked and compiled a number of aircraft, including the ATR 42 and the ATR 72 by Francisco Sánchez-Castañer.

FS2002/FS2004 ATR 72-500 Denmark Package

FS2002/FS2004 ATR 42-300 Denmark Package
Model and flight dynamics F. Sanchez-Castaner. Panel and texture, modifications and pack by Claus Vendelboe Holmberg.

FS2002/FS2004 ATR 42-500 Denmark Package
Model and flight dynamics F. Sanchez-Castaner. Panel and texture, modifications and pack by Claus Vendelboe Holmberg.

EDIT: BTW, just installed the ATR 72-500 mentioned in this thread ( It works great...reversers and all.

As mentioned in my previous post, these pkgs all use the Improved flight dynamics by Andy Berry. You get a new aircraft.cfg and an airfile. I am now assuming that this is what fixes the stuck reversers.
I don't know if this file fixes the reversers or not...but it's worth a shot.
@ flightsim
FS2004 Improved ATR 72-500 Flight Dynamics by Andy Berry
I love that plane. I logged a ton of time in it when I discovered it years ago.

Those prop animations are brilliant... So is the panel.

I feel the need... the need to take that baby up again....!

OK got it fixed. Go to the propeller section and change the line that says "prop_tc= 0.000" to "prop_tc= 0.0025". Problem solved, she works great now :jump:. I'll have to go and hunt down that 42 if it has a vc ;), thanks for the tip. Oh and if you want the shockwave lights for the 72, here you go:

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit
light.0=3, -0.10, -43.55, -1.20, fx_shockwave_navred ,
light.1=3, -0.10, 43.55, -1.20, fx_shockwave_navgre ,
light.2=3, -50.10, 0.00, -4.00, fx_shockwave_navwhi ,
light.3=2, -0.15, -43.55, -1.20, fx_shockwave_strobe_2 ,
light.4=2, -0.15, 43.55, -1.20, fx_shockwave_strobe_3 ,
light.5=1, -45.5, 0.00, 11.50, fx_shockwave_beacon ,
light.6=1, 1.50, 0.00, -11.52, fx_shockwave_beacon ,
light.7=4, 0.5, 0.00, -2, fx_shockwave_vclight,
light.8=4, 32.0, -2.0, -5.5, fx_shockwave_vclight,
light.9=4, 32.0, 2.0, -5.5, fx_shockwave_vclight,
light.10=3, -50.15, 0.00, -4.05, fx_shockwave_strobe ,
light.11=5, 4.50, 3.20, -10.30, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow_down ,
light.12=5, 4.50, -3.20, -10.30, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow_down ,
light.13=6, 34.00, 0.00, -10.50, fx_shockwave_landing_light_double_small ,
light.14=5, 5.50, 3.20, -11.30, fx_shockwave_landing_light_light ,
light.15=5, 5.50, -3.20, -11.30, fx_shockwave_landing_light_light ,
light.16=6, 35.00, 0.00, -11.00, fx_shockwave_landing_light_light ,

Hey Dog,

Very strange cuz that's the 72 package I downloaded and had issues wth but it's fixed now. Getting the 42s now. Thanks again.

Glad you got it figured out, LouP.

I added your prop_tc adjustment as a notation just in case the problem surfaces.
It's always strange, and a challenge, from computer to computer.
Hey Dog,

Very strange cuz that's the 72 package I downloaded and had issues wth but it's fixed now. Getting the 42s now. Thanks again.


Hey, LouP,

I'll be a sonofagun! First flight this a.m. with the 72 ended with the reversers hung-up at my destination. Who-da-thunk. :icon_lol:

Dropped in your fix and I was good to go.

Thanks! :applause:
OK, here are some shockwave lights for your 42 series. The same settings fits both the 300 and 500. :wavey:

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit
light.0=3, 5.30, -38.98, -1.00, fx_shockwave_navred ,
light.1=3, 5.30, 38.98, -1.00, fx_shockwave_navgre ,
light.2=3, -37.30, 0.00, -4.00, fx_shockwave_navwhi ,
light.3=2, 5.25, -38.98, -1.00, fx_shockwave_strobe_2 ,
light.4=2, 5.25, 38.98, -1.00, fx_shockwave_strobe_3 ,
light.5=1, -32.50, 0.00, 11.80, fx_shockwave_beaconh ,
light.6=1, 7.00, 0.00, -11.62, fx_shockwave_beaconb ,
light.7=4, 15, 0.00, 2, fx_shockwave_vclight,
light.8=4, 31.5, -2.0, -5.5, fx_shockwave_vclight,
light.9=4, 31.5, 2.0, -5.5, fx_shockwave_vclight,
light.11=5, 11.00, 4.20, -10.10, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow_down ,
light.12=5, 11.00, -4.20, -10.10, fx_shockwave_landing_light_narrow_down ,
light.13=6, 32.00, 0.00, -11.00, fx_shockwave_landing_light_double_vsmall ,
light.14=5, 11.00, 4.20, -10.10, fx_shockwave_landing_light_light_sm ,
light.15=5, 11.00, -4.20, -10.10, fx_shockwave_landing_light_light_sm ,
light.16=6, 32.00, 0.00, -11.00, fx_shockwave_landing_light_light_sm ,

Also, a little tweak for all of them: Go into the panel config for each one and where it says "pixel_size=512,512" in the virtual cockpits, change it to "pixel_size=1024,1024". It makes a big difference on this panel, all the gauges clear right up. :applause:

LouP :wiggle:
Another mod I made to the 72 was to add in the RealityXP Jet Line 2 gauges so if anyone wants the panel config for that, give a shout. :running:
