ATSimulations Cri-Cri Update released


Staff member
I got a notice in my e-mail this morning about the update that was promised. . .Thanks Andrey!:jump:
Gonna do some checking, but I don't see any difference, especially where the flap animation is concerned. From the VC view the left flap drops the right remains stationary, just as it did in the original release, so unless Simmarket got the wrong upload, that problem still hasn't been fixed.

The installer says this is V1.01 as does the original installer dated 9/7/2017:dizzy: ATS is looking into it. Looks like the Store upload for purchase has been updated, however my Account Download has not. . .at least not yet.

If you have FB and have the ATSimulation Site available, let Andrey know if you were able to download a V1.03 or if yours is also still 1.01. He's in touch with Simmarket trying to get it resolved.