Charter Member
Playing arround with some old 46th group missions: 46th-19,46th-20 and 46th-21.
These wont run;afther some investigathing in MB I get the following message:
The attach/detach waypoint sequence of the escort flight "P-51D" is incorrect relative to the flight"3US a-268-10 (player)"
How can I correct this using notepad?
Here is the faulty portion of the mission:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Params Version="3.0" Directive="anti_ship" Weather="clear" Airbase="grew70" Country="USA" TotalGoals="2" Aircraft="A-26B-10" Date="06/27/1942" Time="12:30" Multiplayer="y">
<Title>A-26B-10 Shipping Attack (46-19)</Title>
<SubTitle>Attack on German shipping </SubTitle>
<Overview>Destroy the german ships and subs harrassing our shipping. </Overview>
<Intelligence>There close enough now that their will be air support for them, so watch your 6. </Intelligence>
<SuccessMessage>Great work, The fish are eating healthier now. </SuccessMessage>
<FailureMessage>New airplane, new mission, and you still fouled it up. Nice job ace. Who you working for?</FailureMessage>
<AirFormation ID="1000" Directive="anti_ship" Country="USA" Skill="3" Payload="5" FormType="7">
<Unit ID="1001" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1002" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1003" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1004" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1005" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="2" Payload="5"/>
<Route ID="1009">
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0" IsVisible="y" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="77.2078"/>
<Waypoint Type="allweapons" Speed="117" IsVisible="y" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E3*0" Alt="6000"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="117" IsVisible="y" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="1500"/>
<AirFormation ID="1026" Directive="escort" Country="USA" Skill="3" Payload="0" FormType="2">
<Unit ID="1027" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1028" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="2" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1029" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1030" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="2" Payload="0"/>
<Route ID="1033">
<Waypoint Type="escortattach" Speed="160" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="3010" TargetID="1000"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortpoint" Speed="117" IsVisible="n" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E3*0" Alt="6010" TargetID="1000"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortdetachfrom" Speed="117" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="3000" TargetID="1000"/>
<AirFormation ID="1040" Directive="CAP" Country="Germany" Skill="3" Payload="0" FormType="5">
<Unit ID="1041" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1042" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1043" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1044" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Route ID="1045">
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="117" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*27'20.3997" Lon="E4*20'34.8000" Alt="2600" TargetID=""/>
<Waypoint Type="loiter" Speed="110" IsVisible="n" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E3*0" Alt="2600" Time="02:00"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="110" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*27'20.3997" Lon="E4*20'34.8000" Alt="2600" TargetID=""/>
Thank you for helping!
These wont run;afther some investigathing in MB I get the following message:
The attach/detach waypoint sequence of the escort flight "P-51D" is incorrect relative to the flight"3US a-268-10 (player)"
How can I correct this using notepad?
Here is the faulty portion of the mission:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Params Version="3.0" Directive="anti_ship" Weather="clear" Airbase="grew70" Country="USA" TotalGoals="2" Aircraft="A-26B-10" Date="06/27/1942" Time="12:30" Multiplayer="y">
<Title>A-26B-10 Shipping Attack (46-19)</Title>
<SubTitle>Attack on German shipping </SubTitle>
<Overview>Destroy the german ships and subs harrassing our shipping. </Overview>
<Intelligence>There close enough now that their will be air support for them, so watch your 6. </Intelligence>
<SuccessMessage>Great work, The fish are eating healthier now. </SuccessMessage>
<FailureMessage>New airplane, new mission, and you still fouled it up. Nice job ace. Who you working for?</FailureMessage>
<AirFormation ID="1000" Directive="anti_ship" Country="USA" Skill="3" Payload="5" FormType="7">
<Unit ID="1001" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1002" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1003" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1004" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1005" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="2" Payload="5"/>
<Route ID="1009">
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0" IsVisible="y" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="77.2078"/>
<Waypoint Type="allweapons" Speed="117" IsVisible="y" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E3*0" Alt="6000"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="117" IsVisible="y" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="1500"/>
<AirFormation ID="1026" Directive="escort" Country="USA" Skill="3" Payload="0" FormType="2">
<Unit ID="1027" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1028" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="2" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1029" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1030" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="2" Payload="0"/>
<Route ID="1033">
<Waypoint Type="escortattach" Speed="160" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="3010" TargetID="1000"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortpoint" Speed="117" IsVisible="n" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E3*0" Alt="6010" TargetID="1000"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortdetachfrom" Speed="117" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="3000" TargetID="1000"/>
<AirFormation ID="1040" Directive="CAP" Country="Germany" Skill="3" Payload="0" FormType="5">
<Unit ID="1041" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1042" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1043" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1044" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Route ID="1045">
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="117" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*27'20.3997" Lon="E4*20'34.8000" Alt="2600" TargetID=""/>
<Waypoint Type="loiter" Speed="110" IsVisible="n" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E3*0" Alt="2600" Time="02:00"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="110" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*27'20.3997" Lon="E4*20'34.8000" Alt="2600" TargetID=""/>
Thank you for helping!