attach/detach waypoints


Charter Member
Playing arround with some old 46th group missions: 46th-19,46th-20 and 46th-21.
These wont run;afther some investigathing in MB I get the following message:
The attach/detach waypoint sequence of the escort flight "P-51D" is incorrect relative to the flight"3US a-268-10 (player)"
How can I correct this using notepad?
Here is the faulty portion of the mission:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Params Version="3.0" Directive="anti_ship" Weather="clear" Airbase="grew70" Country="USA" TotalGoals="2" Aircraft="A-26B-10" Date="06/27/1942" Time="12:30" Multiplayer="y">
<Title>A-26B-10 Shipping Attack (46-19)</Title>
<SubTitle>Attack on German shipping </SubTitle>
<Overview>Destroy the german ships and subs harrassing our shipping. </Overview>
<Intelligence>There close enough now that their will be air support for them, so watch your 6. </Intelligence>
<SuccessMessage>Great work, The fish are eating healthier now. </SuccessMessage>
<FailureMessage>New airplane, new mission, and you still fouled it up. Nice job ace. Who you working for?</FailureMessage>
<AirFormation ID="1000" Directive="anti_ship" Country="USA" Skill="3" Payload="5" FormType="7">
<Unit ID="1001" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1002" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1003" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1004" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1005" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="2" Payload="5"/>
<Route ID="1009">
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0" IsVisible="y" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="77.2078"/>
<Waypoint Type="allweapons" Speed="117" IsVisible="y" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E3*0" Alt="6000"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="117" IsVisible="y" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="1500"/>
<AirFormation ID="1026" Directive="escort" Country="USA" Skill="3" Payload="0" FormType="2">
<Unit ID="1027" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1028" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="2" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1029" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1030" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="2" Payload="0"/>
<Route ID="1033">
<Waypoint Type="escortattach" Speed="160" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="3010" TargetID="1000"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortpoint" Speed="117" IsVisible="n" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E3*0" Alt="6010" TargetID="1000"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortdetachfrom" Speed="117" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="3000" TargetID="1000"/>
<AirFormation ID="1040" Directive="CAP" Country="Germany" Skill="3" Payload="0" FormType="5">
<Unit ID="1041" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1042" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1043" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1044" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Route ID="1045">
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="117" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*27'20.3997" Lon="E4*20'34.8000" Alt="2600" TargetID=""/>
<Waypoint Type="loiter" Speed="110" IsVisible="n" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E3*0" Alt="2600" Time="02:00"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="110" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*27'20.3997" Lon="E4*20'34.8000" Alt="2600" TargetID=""/>

Thank you for helping!
Hi gosd,

the thing I notice is units 1002 to 1005 are not the player therefore should have isplayer="n". I would have thought there should be only one player?

The same for the German fighter formation - they are not the player, either. However don't know if this will help the error message.

Do the waypoints make sense when you look at them in Mission Builder?
Just had a look at a mission script in the Knowledgebase thread. It used the isplayer="y" option once only for the player aircraft, it did not use isplayer="n", this appears to be unnecessary and the expression can be left out altogether, from all three air formations in the mission script.
Tried several mods and the mission still does not run.
I am posting it hoping somebody can help.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Params Version="3.0" Directive="anti_ship" Weather="clear" Airbase="grew70" Country="USA" TotalGoals="2" Aircraft="A-26B-10" Date="06/27/1942" Time="12:30" Multiplayer="y">
<Title>(46-19) A26 Shipping Attack </Title>
<SubTitle>Attack on German shipping with A26B-10</SubTitle>
<Overview>Destroy the german ships and subs harrassing our shipping. </Overview>
<Intelligence>There close enough now that their will be air support for them, so watch your 6. </Intelligence>
<SuccessMessage>Great work, The fish are eating healthier now. </SuccessMessage>
<FailureMessage>New airplane, new mission, and you still fouled it up. Nice job ace. Who you working for?</FailureMessage>
<AirFormation ID="1000" Directive="anti_ship" Country="USA" Skill="3" Payload="5" FormType="7">
<Unit ID="1001" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1002" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1003" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1004" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1005" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="2" Payload="5"/>
<Route ID="1009">
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0" IsVisible="y" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="77.2078"/>
<Waypoint Type="allweapons" Speed="117" IsVisible="y" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E3*0" Alt="6000"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="117" IsVisible="y" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="1500"/>
<AirFormation ID="1026" Directive="escort" Country="USA" Skill="3" Payload="0" FormType="2">
<Unit ID="1027" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1028" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="2" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1029" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1030" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="2" Payload="0"/>
<Route ID="1033">
<Waypoint Type="escortattach" Speed="160" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="3010" TargetID="1000"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortpoint" Speed="117" IsVisible="n" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E3*0" Alt="6010" TargetID="1000"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortdetachfrom" Speed="117" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="3000" TargetID="1000"/>
<AirFormation ID="1040" Directive="CAP" Country="Germany" Skill="3" Payload="0" FormType="5">
<Unit ID="1041" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1042" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1043" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1044" Type="bf_109g_6" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Route ID="1045">
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="117" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*27'20.3997" Lon="E4*20'34.8000" Alt="2600" TargetID=""/>
<Waypoint Type="loiter" Speed="110" IsVisible="n" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E3*0" Alt="2600" Time="02:00"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="110" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*27'20.3997" Lon="E4*20'34.8000" Alt="2600" TargetID=""/>
<GroundFormation ID="1010" Country="Germany" IsHidden="y" FormType="6" OffsetScaleFactor="50" Points="1" DamagePercent="70">
<Unit ID="1011" Type="g_destroyer" Name="" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="1012" Type="g_cargo" Name="" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="1013" Type="g_u_boat" Name="" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="1014" Type="g_cargo" Name="" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="1015" Type="g_destroyer" Name="" Skill="3"/>
<Unit ID="1016" Type="g_u_boat" Name="" Skill="3"/>
<Route ID="1019">
<Waypoint Type="turn" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E3*0" Speed="-1" GroundType="direct"/>
<Waypoint Type="loiter" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E4*0" Speed="-1" GroundType="direct"/>
<Point Lat="N54*57'33.3918"" Lon="E03*47'6.7025""/>
<Point Lat="N53*37'32.8514"" Lon="E03*50'0.9425""/>
<Point Lat="N52*34'5.6739"" Lon="E02*21'26.4885""/>
<Point Lat="N51*1'8.6551"" Lon="E01*50'00.0846""/>
<Point Lat="N50*50'25.8911"" Lon="E01*10'0.1111""/>
<Point Lat="N50*00'00.0000"" Lon="W02*00'00.0000""/>
I think it may be the lack of an escort detach waypoint. Try these additions/modifications:

<AirFormation ID="1000" Directive="anti_ship" Country="USA" Skill="3" Payload="5" FormType="7">
<Unit ID="1001" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1002" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1003" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1004" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="3" Payload="5"/>
<Unit ID="1005" Type="A-26B-10" Name="" IsPlayer="y" Skill="2" Payload="5"/>
<Route ID="1009">
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0" IsVisible="y" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="77.2078"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="117" IsVisible="y" Lat="N51*55'0.0000" Lon="E0*24'0.0000" Alt="1500"/>
<Waypoint Type="allweapons" Speed="117" IsVisible="y" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E3*0" Alt="6000"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortdetach" Speed="117" IsWarpable="y" TargetID="1026" Lat="N51*55'0.0000" Lon="E0*24'0.0000" Alt="1500"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="117" IsVisible="y" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="1500"/>
<AirFormation ID="1026" Directive="escort" Country="USA" Skill="3" Payload="0" FormType="2">
<Unit ID="1027" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1028" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="2" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1029" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="3" Payload="0"/>
<Unit ID="1030" Type="p_51d" Name="" IsPlayer="n" Skill="2" Payload="0"/>
<Route ID="1033">
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="160" IsVisible="y" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="1500"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortattach" Speed="160" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*55'0.0000" Lon="E0*24'0.0000" Alt="3010" TargetID="1000"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortpoint" Speed="117" IsVisible="n" Lat="N52*0" Lon="E3*0" Alt="6010" TargetID="1000"/>
<Waypoint Type="escortdetachfrom" Speed="117" IsVisible="n" Lat="N51*55'0.0000" Lon="E0*24'0.0000" Alt="3000" TargetID="1000"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="160" IsVisible="y" Lat="N51*53'11.7442" Lon="E0*22'48.2223" Alt="1500"/>
Thank you for these precisions.:encouragement:
Putting the mission year date to 1943 solved the last hurdle.:pop4: