Attention on deck!



I guess by now some of you are wondering about the other nicname I go by (Lt Pike). Well, basically,I fly under his name to keep him among the ones remembered, and in a small way, so he can still fly, if only by proxy through me.
And the reason behind all that is that Ive worn his P.O.W. bracelet since late 1972. I know Im a bit early this year, but every March I try to tell this story to as many as I can get to read it.
This March it will be thirty seven years since he ejected into the early morning sky over laos, and he still hasnt come home, and the bracelet will most definatly still be on my arm when I die.
I wore another bracelet also, bearing the name of Colonel John Dramesi, who spent seven years in captivity, attempting escape numerous times, and was lucky enough to come home.
By chance one day, one of my first times on the internet, I did a people search for his name, and almost went into cardiac arrest when only two hits came up, one in San Fransisco and one in pennsylvania. I called the first one in the bay area and the man that answered said that i must be looking for his uncle whom he was named after. I thanked him for his time and hung up and stared at the other number for probably an hour before I got up the nerve to make the call.
I dialed the number and after a couple of rings a man picked up and said hello, and for a second I froze.
"Is this John Dramesi?", I asked.
"Yes it is," he replied.
"Colonel John Dramesi that was a prisoner of war?"
For the life of me, I dont know why I asked him that, and from 2000 miles away, I could hear the years rushing by as he went back to that portion of his life.
"Uhm, yes, it is. he replied, this time sounding a bit confused.
"well, sir, I believe I have something of yours that Id like to give back."
Long story made short, I was honored to be given the chance to return one of the two bracelets that I was "issued". And the Colonel was cordial enough to let me tell my story, even when I could tell he really didnt want to talk about it, which is quite understandable.
So, this march 23, take a minute to visit this link,
have a drink and maybe fly a mission for Dennis,
you are not forgotten, dude, ~S~