Attention please today we will move!

huub vink

Staff member
Dear all,

Please remember our servers will move to a new location this night!

See you at the other side! :biggrin-new:
Start is planned for 23:45 Central time and the move will last roughly 6 hours. This is 05:45 until 11:45 Sunday morning Central European Time.

looks like I planned my vacation at the right time!

Whew! Dodged another "move" without having to lift a single box.. airplane... electron.. LOL

My back and knees thank you Huub for moving when I was on holiday.

And well done!

Absolutely no need to thank me Bushi. We were moved by data-pipe and the only persons here involved were the tech guys like Dangerous Dave, and Paul (PRB) who were of course involved in the planning, made the necessary back-ups and switched the servers off and on again.
And even the planning was not really done by us as data-pipe postponed the move twice.

But welcome back and I'm pleased to see you were able to find us again :encouragement:
