I actually wen tthroug it with Grizzly online. We got connected fine with me hosting TS. But then TS actually conects you with a server online similar to the way the old MS game servers used to work. Here is where the problem lies...I think! Sure enough, when we quit out of CFS3 the last time after no dice, I saw a message from my Norton AV saying an ms game was trying to access my computer. The box didn't show up until I exited 3D! That may have been Grizzly trying to connect. I can't rmember what the server name was exactly. Is it possible for a private hot to use a 192.168... address and have people connect to it from the web? Our impression is that it is only a local address code with those prefix numbers on it. Also, I am running a linksys router connected to a westell router/dsl modem. I was able to seed in uTorrent for the MAW download last year and my computer was on all night. My IP came up as a 70.22... number