Attention! Virtavia /Alphasim off-line temorarily


Spotted this post next door in the 'X' forum by Frank,

hope he won't mind me reposting it here, might save a few headaches


Phil is in the process of moving all three sites: Virtavia, old Alphasim freeware, and private beta forum to a single host. Not the ideal way to do it but the old three will be down for a few days before the new on is up.

The link will be unchanged but the other two will no doubt change
. One won't effect you but the freeware one will for sure until things settle. Stand by.


Nice to see it back up, but liked the old layout better as it was easier to locate aircraft under their country of manufacture.
Just out of curiosity, will the other files that were available before the re-organization going to be available again (i.e. - aircraft paintkits, stand-alone scenery, other CFS2/FS2002 files, etc.), and will other older files be available in the future (B-36, F-104, etc.)? I remember buying the F-104 years ago but lost it in a hard-drive crash.

Thanks once again for releasing all of these fabulous files for all to enjoy! They are really a pleasure! :salute: