...................................................................................................Funny you should say that remoc, in my Sea Eagles mission pack the behaviour of wingmen fighters is a topic of discussion. I've seen my 'escort' fighters behave in the same way, and not just escort mission type, I've got some on misson type 'Bomber Itercept' and they still find difficulty in engaging the enemy. I've flown alongside and watch some swoop all over after the bomber and others close behind and fire, but not apparently hit. I've no solutions, but this is not a new problem.
Hi nonato,
Looks great. Can't wait to play your next missions.
I am working on a mission in 1941, but I have a problem with the escorts of the Blenheim bombers: the spitfires fly with the bombers, but do nothing to prevent Me 109's attacking the bomberforce. Have you seen this before? Any clues to what I could do about it?