Aussies - cheap TrackIR4 Pros


Charter Member
Hope this isn't crossing any commercial lines (I have no links with this mob), but an Aussie sim-racing accessories online shop called A1 Racing Gear is selling TrackIR4 Pro for $179, instead of their usual $239 to clear space.

They are a reliable shop, so if you're interested, their website is here: and you can contact Robbo re the deal by email here: Note that the website still shows the old price. Email Robbo and mention my name (Robbo posted the deal on a sim-racing website I frequent and he said it was okay for me to spread the word to other Aussies).

Mods - if this is inappropriate, please delete.

Don't know how USD fares as far as Aussie Bucks or how much they charge to ship to OZ, but from the manufacturer it's $130 not counting the Discount for purchasing thru SOH :ernae:
$179 in Oz money is around $120 US Gimpy at the moment, so a pretyy good deal for all the guys over there.:applause: