Authentic WWII German Jet Sounds


Over at Flightsim... If you want the loud, ruckus, ear piercing jet whine of the Jumo engine used in the Messerschmitt Me-262 and other German Jets of the Second World War, here they are. I tried the twin engine set in my trusty ol' Flight Replicas me-262 and WOW!!! very impressed. Comes with both single and twin jet configs, as well as the modern sound update for the Pratt&Whitney powered restored Me-262's that are flying today. Be sure to grab the update above the file listing there, if you want the Pratt powered Me-262. These are very nicely done.



If you're going for the modern replica sound, the default CFS 3 Me 262 sounds were recorded from the two seater replica at Boeing Field by Aces for CFS 3. That's the sound pack I've been using for the Me 262s in my FS9 hanger. I'm downloading this one now, but at 68mg, it's gonna be a while downloading at FlightSim's pace.
Hi BB, got me going there..;) Thanks, but I thought they were going to be genuine Jumo 004 sounds, but unfortunately they're the old DC8 sounds (2002-03 age files). Still sound good and probably not that far off any early axial flow jet sound. Killian has done a good job of adding in the Riedel starter motor sound.

Willy, yes those are from the GE J85 engines used in the 262 replicas, again an old engine design from the 1950's and probably not that far off the Jumo 004.

The big thing when heard by people who were not used to hearing a jet sound, such as allied troops on the front line and RAF personnel stationed in Holland/Belgium etc was the loud whine of the 262. The 262's used to climb relatively high out of nearby bases and then throttle back, to increase loiter time, and power glide to drop anti-personnel bombs etc, then scamper back to their bases ASAP.

If you listen to the sound track of the video of the Kommando Nowotny Me262 taxying back amoungst other 262s, that is an original Jumo 004 sound at 3:40, unfortunately not great quality and short, but still a genuine Jumo 004 whine.


I watched that viddie and I thought the Jumo 004 sounds for FS were pretty close, but I can't hear that good outta me right ear. I watched a program on the History channel about jet powered aircraft and they featured the Me-262 as part of the list of planes they covered. The sound quality of the film wasn't that great but the noise from those Jumo 004 burners was very close to the sounds included in this package that Killian has created, IMO. So for the most part, these sounds are unusual enough and close enough to the real deal that I will use them for the German jets that I have that were Jumo powered for FS.

The program about jet powered aircraft also featured a Gloster Meteor that had it's original engines, and a Messerschmitt Me-262 that had been fully restored except that it was powered by Pratt&Whitney engines... not the original Jumo 004's.
