Auto engine start for maamsim dc-3


The Dak produced by MAAM SIM back in the day, is still an excellent simulation of this classic veteran. I am afraid that I have become a very lazy sim pilot, and to maximise time spent flying, like to hop in the a/c of choice and click the button for 'auto-start'. The DC-3 by MAAM required a little knowledge of the start procedure and even this simplified procedure I often get wrong or get wrong.

As a confirmed aviation voyeur, I also spend a lot of time on the pan watching the start up of this old prop plane. Lots of smoke and noise with some lovely sounds.

So - to cut to the chase, as they say, can anyone advise on how to mod my MAAM bird to auto-start. I know that if I change the cockpit to another designer I get auto start, but that defeats having a MAAM's beautiful 2D and VC panels.
