I didn't know that trick of reducing the bitmap size of the trees! Sounds good. I'll try it. Aren't the trees a bit too large in FS9? Can that also be fixed?
Exactly Cees, that is what you will be fixing too!
You already know this, but for others trying the trick; always remember to reduce by halving or they wont show- that means reducing the
ALPHA too!
So if the default are 1024 x 1024 bitmaps, you will reduce to 512 x 512 bitmaps or even 256 x 256 bitmaps.
Our tree
size will be
halved in the sim, with each reduction (I'm with 512 x 512 bitmaps mostly) but have tried smaller with good results for some fs places.
The results will be;
1. tree areas have far denser, better coverage (fs is putting double the trees everywhere cos it thinks 1024 x 1024).
2. Trees will look far more natural in size even when right next to your aircraft.
3. The optical reduction actually has a sharpennig effect making trees more delicate in appearance, more 'leafy' instead of 'blobs'.
4. You can now set for less dense autogen settings and still have excellent coverage.
5. You'll get better computer performance as a result of the smaller bitmaps.
Green-up your sims guys! Enjoy!
Edit: If anyone is not familiar with bitmaps, PM your email and I'll send a set of mine, ready-reduced.