Autogen Tree density


Charter Member
Does anyone know if there is a way in FS9 of increasing the number of autogen trees? I am currently using the Natural world trees V2 addon from Alexey Samoshin, which has made a big improvement, but is there a line in the FS9 cfg that will allow for a greater density?
I don't know about that, but the Silver Wings alternative scenery and texture has more trees in its autogen, ad is well worth a look.
Hi your FS9 Config file....[TERRAIN] section....Add these 2 lines at the bottom...You can set the value for both trees and buildings....


These are the default values at maximum density, but effect density at all settings and can be changed up or down...experiment to see what works for you!

Hmmm no, that's only for FSX.
Felix, have you tried the texture pack nammed "Treegen" ?
It replaces the texture of a tree by another texture showing two or three smaller trees. The result of the smaller trees is unbelievable, the sensation of distance and volume is completely changed. The result of the more numerous trees is kind of an increase of density. It's freeware so it's worth a shot ;)
I stand corrected...went back to test and you are correct. I must have changed a slider setting in the interim....memory is not what it used to be!!!
Thanks for all of the info and replies; I will try the freeware Treegen, but since I paid for the Samoshin trees I might just revert back if I'm not happy with it. Shame we don't have that cfg line in the FS9 setup seems like just what I was searching for....
Guys, there is a tool in the FS9 Autogen SDK called "autogen annotator". I don't have access to my refs right now so can't give you the specifics, a Google search "autogen sdk" should turn up some info on it.


Yep, here's one at the SHOF (Scenery Hall of Fame)

The Autogen Annotation tool enables you to edit or create annotation files for both generic and unique terrain textures. This tool opens .bmp files and allows you to place footprints for objects on the image file and to set certain properties for those footprints. Autogen then uses the annotation files to display 3-D objects (buildings and vegetation). No prior programming experience is needed to use this tool.
Guys, there is a tool in the FS9 Autogen SDK called "autogen annotator". I don't have access to my refs right now so can't give you the specifics, a Google search "autogen sdk" should turn up some info on it.


Yep, here's one at the SHOF (Scenery Hall of Fame)

The Autogen Annotation tool enables you to edit or create annotation files for both generic and unique terrain textures. This tool opens .bmp files and allows you to place footprints for objects on the image file and to set certain properties for those footprints. Autogen then uses the annotation files to display 3-D objects (buildings and vegetation). No prior programming experience is needed to use this tool.

Hmmmm...that looks somewhat promising....
Treeplanter is a program we use to make our sceneries at Flight Ontario. With satellite view, and a freeware crosshair, you can position trees exactly where you want them and scale them however you want. If you want to see an example, download Brantford CYFD from and fly around town. You'll see how I populated the shores of the river that runs through town, and around the bridges.