Av History Handley Page Halifax issue


Charter Member
Hello to all,

I got the Avhistory Halifax a few nights ago. Its a very sexy looking bomber to me visually, but why do the controls stick in a banking turn? I got into a 25 degree left turn to line up on the runway on final approach and the baby turned turtle in the turn!

Trust me this is NOT a joystick issue with me. I calibrate mines every time i play the game.

Issue is that she doesnt seem to like manuvering. Does anyone have any links or advice on how to ease this baby gently into flying manuvers?

Also, it seems as if the lancaster I got there doesnt seem to climb very well either, especially in combat situations. Well I'm still open to debate, and I love to hear from you bomber guys on this matter.
Lancaster - Climbing

Hello to all,

I got the Avhistory Halifax a few nights ago. Its a very sexy looking bomber to me visually, but why do the controls stick in a banking turn? I got into a 25 degree left turn to line up on the runway on final approach and the baby turned turtle in the turn!

Trust me this is NOT a joystick issue with me. I calibrate mines every time i play the game.

Issue is that she doesnt seem to like manuvering. Does anyone have any links or advice on how to ease this baby gently into flying manuvers?

Also, it seems as if the lancaster I got there doesnt seem to climb very well either, especially in combat situations. Well I'm still open to debate, and I love to hear from you bomber guys on this matter.

The WW2 bombers were dogs when it came to climbing. A Lancaster with bombs and fuel will take 20 minutes to get to 10,000 feet if you use climb power. As far as the Halifax .... never tried to do much with it. The flightmodel is accurate as far specs, but it could have a quirk.
For the Hallifax, I've got the same problem. When I fly a Costal Command patrol over the Bay of Biscay and when a spot a submarine, it's really, difficult to turn. Same at landing.
It's the only 4 engine aircraft I've flown in CFS3 that have such thing. Of course, they are all slow and heavy to turn, a Lancaster is not a Spitfire, but the Hallifax is a little bit strange.
Hello Gents,

I just recently downloaded that one to use in my Brit-Bomber campaign, and ditto on the freaky-flyer
type. You certainly cant take your hand off the stick for even 2 seconds before it starts going wild. Even with hands on, I've got F5 constantly on with eyes constantly bouncing between the sight and the level. Something else that puzzles me, why were alot of these cockpits left so bland and unfinished?

Anyone have any of the Brit-Bombers with finished cockpits?
Controls stick? On the AvHistory Halifax? Weird, weird indeed... linked is a video of Ted's new Halifax B.III model with AvHistory's 4.00 B.III physics (just a model swap as it looks better) and it probably shows that while the Halifax is a bit of a truck it certainly doesn't fall from the sky.

...Something else that puzzles me, why were alot of these cockpits left so bland and unfinished?

Anyone have any of the Brit-Bombers with finished cockpits?

Steady, old chap, you're on thin ice there! If you've ever tried building one yourself you'll appreciate how much work goes into a VC, but if you haven't you won't...

You're also looking at the earlier work of one of our most distinguished modellers - you should look at what he's building now! Try the models in ETO for more recent work.

It is nice to see someone who as my mother said, "Doesn't hold water in his mouth."

I am not sure which version of the Halifax you are using. If you are using the ones that are Coastal Command and feel that the pit is bland and unfinished I am not sure what you would like me to add. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I just flew the Halifax around and the roll rate is low, but it is the same for the Lancaster and Stirling. They all are within 5 degrees of each other. I can increase the target roll rate speed and that would make it a bit steadier and not so quirky in the turns. But I never have flown one; I wouldn't dare say what is right. I have been told that folks who flew Halifaxes have used the plane in CFS3 and I have only heard how closely it flies compared to their memory. I took off and landed with little or no problems (except I stalled her once, guess I need practice).

When I fly the Halifax I use trim and such. Please remember that all the props turn in the same direction causing a great deal of roll, so a little aileron trim is needed along with the elevator trim. I have not read of too many planes that you can take your hands off the stick and the plane flies steady without trimming it. I fly it with the flightmodel on hard and 95% realism (auto mixture is on).

Oh, I take no offense to criticism, that is how we all get better. :ernae:
Thanks for the assist guys.

I guess the Bomber Command would be ashamed of us speaking this way of their War Winners.

I'll just have to fly with a copilot on this one...
No worrys Gents!

Im certainly very aware the hard work put into these planes indeed! And in no way at all am I putting
anyones hard labor through the "critique" wringer. Just puzzled why certain "pits" seemed a little blank
and others seemed more detailed. Dont know why,but I really do like the Halifax. Just something about
those 4-prop boomers that make the missions more exciting.

I know the Halifax page does say the cockpits are rudimentary, and the Lanc is also a bit less-detailed. So is it the lack of supporting parts and models for these particular cockpits?

I remember the first time I obtained AVH's Lanc. I really liked that bomber so was just a bit
dissapointed that the cockpit was so rudimentary. If anyone has been in "AcesHighII",you've
seen how nicley detailed their Lanc cockpits were.

So just call me spoiled! I love seeing all the gauges and switches and the perfect lighting. However,
I do commend all you gents who spend priceless hours trying to get that last little detail right,and I
always think of the guy who made the plane I'm flying in. <<S>> Thank you so much!

Wyld45 :ernae: