Available soon: Belgium Scenery 1961

Maarten -

Charter Member 2016
Hi there,

A team of CalClassic's master scenery builders, consisting of Harry Biard, Nikko Yaginuma, Wolfgang Gersch, Tom Gibson, Jaap de Baare, and Bernard Leuenberger, is about to release an addition to their acclaimed freeware Central Europe 1961 addon scenery.

The Belgium Scenery 1961 will feature: Antwerp-Deurne, Brussels International (including the old terminals of Brussels-Zaventem and Melsbroek AFB), Brussels City Heliport, Evere-Haren, and Ostend-Middelkerke. Scenery for the Antwerp harbour will also be included.

At this moment the team is ironing out the final hitches. The freeware scenery will be available soon through California Classic (www.calclassic.com). In the meantime the attached screenshots should give you a first impression.


BTW, due to a little mistake (probably by an absent-minded me) there is way too much traffic at Brussels (and probably at Ostend too). Yikes!

Just got 'a love what everyone at Calclassic has done for FS8 and FS9 over the years. Their efforts have made my flight simming experience so much better than what I could have ever imagined when I first loaded up my first flight sim.
Having lived in Belgium for a couple of years, I'm looking forward to this. :ernae: