Avanti; Flying around Colorado


Hey guys,

More playing in the Avanti. Thought I would go to Colorado and see the mountains and experiment with clouds settings.

I took off from Vail (Eagle County) and headed a bit West, then dropped South.

Some great mountain scenery!

I found that clouds are set in two different areas in XP9. Ratios of clouds and their sophistication (numbers of clouds ratio and puffs per cloud) are set at Rendering Options. Types of weather is set at Weather settings. To get some good results, try selecting Cumulus, broken, and select their AGL altitude. Then if you want fewer clouds, go to Rendering, clouds section, and lower the ratio of cloud numbers to something like 0.5 or 0.7, etc.

Thanks Jim,

I did alot of experimentation on them.

One thing I wish (I hope its in XP10) is that all the cloud settings might be in one location instead of 2. But hey, this works..

Pretty cool how many settings they have.

Also, my frame rates ran fine. And I had occasional rain in some area's, and that too didnt effect frame rates. I wonder just how powerful OpenGL really is..
