Avanti Repaint


Hey guys,

Just experimenting here..... Nothing big.

I do not know how to do multiple paints in one folder yet (no config files) so I copy/pasted the Avanti folder, renamed it, and then did a simple repaint of the plane.

Textures are in PNG format (like a bitmap) which I did in Adobe Photoshop.

I put my own N-number on it, etc...

Works great! Found it in the General Aviation birds with the Team Ferrari model.

By the way, there is a 3rd texture (1 of a total of only 3) for it in the Objects folder. The primaries are in the main folder, with the main 'interior' texture in Objects. But... (important part). The door is in the interior texture. So you will have to recolor the door as well. (Reminds me of FSX with the new tubes).

