AVH planes not firing tracer


Charter Member
I am in the process of rebuilding CFS3 in various guises including one with many of the AVH models ( 2. & 4.). Several aircraft are not firing tracer. I get muzzle flashes and target aircraft are being hit but estimating the amount of deflection is difficult without tracer to show the fall of shot. Can anyone tell me how to activate tracer where it is missing from these aircraft.
Is this for CFS3 or one of the expansions??

It is a effects issue , your effects file or Fxtextures folder are missing the needed items..

Or also possible your effects File has a duplicate entry..
Which can cause issues..
Yes i had the same problem it was giving me a headache because i could not see the tracers, but yes the AVH effects XML and AVH fxtexture on this site will fix this problem then you can see the tracers.. I was so happy to get my 2 AVH planes to finally see tracers i was jumping up and down.lol
Missing tracer solved

Thanks folks I took your advice and loaded AVH effects and effect textures and now I have tracer!! Thank you for bothering to reply.