Avro 698 repaints


Charter Member
Hi All,

I know have been away from this side of the Forum for a while and for that you have my Apologies for falling to the Dark Side and am prepared for any and all rotten fruit and vegetables that you care to throw at me as a result:dizzy:

However I recently have had to return to my Venerable Laptop on account of my "frankensteiner" of a rig finally giving up the chase and am slowly rediscovering my love for fs9.

It hasn't taken long for me to start tweaking and this weeks victim has been the two Avro 698 beta models. VX770 and VX777 by Douglas Sleigh.
whilst I have been making numerous adjustments to lights, ground positioning (although I still can't get 777 to stop bouncing!:banghead:) etc I have knocked up a couple of repaints as the ones Provided could do with some work.

Since I've taken them both as far as the texture mapping will let me I thought I'd post them here for you all on SOH.






  • VX770.jpg
    55.8 KB · Views: 0
  • VX777.jpg
    42.7 KB · Views: 0
Welcome back Hooky, we don't throw fruit and veg at people here, it costs too much these days. You will have too buy your own ingredients for your home brew:biggrin-new:.
Nice work on the Avro.


Once we become wiser we start to realise that FS9 was actually quite good and runs smooth on aging systems.

Like you I have been on the dark side and more or less returned here again.

So welcome back and join the club :biggrin-new:

Im still having an issue with the nose wheel bouncing on vx777. It starts off okay but starts bouncing uncontrollably until it breaks does anyone have any experience with these sorts of issues I think it maybe a CofG issue but I don't know what I'm looking for in the aircraft.cfg
Drat, I missed out on that one and it's unavailable now:dizzy:

If your referring to these two prototype models Sascha These are freeware Aircraft and both still available at Simviation.com?

(Although for the fs9 version of VX770 you'd be better off searching 'Vulcan B1' as searching 'Avro 698' just brings up the FSX model)

And btw, there is no native FS9 model for VX777 but the FSX VX777 model Is cross compatible with fs9 (you just need to Alias the Sounds to a jet of some sort) and some of the animations are a bit hit and miss but I'm told that is mainly down to it being a BETA than anything else) Still flies Perfectly well though.

I think my issue with it bouncing was mainly caused by tinkering trying to get the stance right on the landing gear.

As for the repaints there right here in the SOH library.
