Avro Anson for CFS3 by Dave Garwood

Pat Pattle

Dave Garwood, a very talented modeller who has produced aircraft for FS2004 and FSX has very kindly given permission to port over his fine Avro Anson mk1 model into CFS3.

There are a number of textures around for this aircraft too, I'll be converting the non turret version as well. (I'm not au fait with all of the marks and variants at the moment).

This is her maiden flight in cfs3, the basics are done but a lot more to do.

Thank you Dave :)


Very nice...

by the way... is Mr. Garwood's model for 2004 freeware??? If so, can you tell me where to get it... or send it to me?
would like to repaint it... (you got my email from when I sent you the PSP texture, right?

An Annie for CFS3!

That will be a splendid addition Clive: thank you Dave for your generosity! :jump:
That is wonderful, Clive!!

Nice training aircraft or squadron hack! An essential addition to British airfields (or for training flights, for that matter).
But I think that the engines need some tuning. It looks like the fourth crewman isn't too happy with the amount of noise they are making; is he really holding his hands on his ears?? :biggrin-new::biggrin-new:
Avro Anson EG359 may 1943, Arras Squadron, blason Artois, destroyed november 4 1943 with submarine charges who exploded killing 6 airmen.

Nice addition Clive,

There was at least one Bf109 shot down by an Anson over the Channel, be an interesting mission for CFS3.

looking forward to it. if you need any help at all for anything let me know.

regards Rob.
if you need any help at all for anything let me know.

regards Rob.

Lol, I was going to come a-knocking on your door again soon Rob! Thanks. :)

There is one issue with this model, or rather the porting over in that like a lot of fs aircraft it has multiple texture sheets. As it stands the wings, fuselage and tail are on about 8 separate textures. This means no .mos file and therefore no damage.

The alternative is to combine them onto one sheet but then that has implications if folks want to try the other Anson textures that are available.

My thoughts at the moment are that I'll leave it as is and add the damage through effects in the same way that the Tiger Moth is done.
It will also have bullet holes in the glazing this way too.

Any thoughts guys?

Frosty - I think the radio operator has tuned into One Direction by mistake! :barf:
The bigger textures are 1024x256 (with mipmaps) and it wouldn't be hard to combine them into a number of 1024x1024 textures or even a single 2048^2. The fun is remapping to fit the new bitmaps, but I've been looking at UVW XForm in Gmax lately and there could be a way...
Hi chaps :wavey:
Annie's looking good in CFS3. Nice job Clive. :encouragement:
I must admit, the mapping on the Anson does leave a bit to be desired! I was still learning the basics back then. Hard to believe it was made just over 10 years ago. Feel free to re-map the model, or make any other changes of you wish.
Feel free to re-map the model, or make any other changes of you wish.

:wavey: Thanks Dave, I'm going to combine the external textures onto one sheet. In CFS3 there's another layer which can be added to display damage or alternate squadron codes etc. but it can be on one texture only.



Oh and I like the Free French markings Andre, perhaps you could do one for the new model at a later date? :)
I've looked over this plane several times and was hoping Clive put in the work to convert it. Looks good in cfs3.
Thanks for this one!

Really nice to see that CFS3 community is still alive after so many years, there are some high quality models in the shop at the momebt.