Avro Avian !!!

Very nice and unexpected gift from Mr. Molyneaux!

And now complaints: i am only one who get nasty shaking starting at around 77 knots?
Very nice and unexpected gift from Mr. Molyneaux!

And now complaints: i am only one who get nasty shaking starting at around 77 knots?

Not tried it yet but I would guess you're approaching maximum speed. Dave has modelled 85 hp engine.
The figures on Wikipedia are for 105/115 hp engine versions.


Not tried it yet but I would guess you're approaching maximum speed. Dave has modelled 85 hp engine.
The figures on Wikipedia are for 105/115 hp engine versions.


This is performance data provided by Mr. Molyneux:
Top Speed - 105 mph 91knts
Cruise Speed - 85 mph 74knts
Stall Speed - 40 mph 34knts
R.O.C. - 600 f.p.m.
Range - 390 nmiles

I have no idea what i was doing but after quick googling i found out that i have to edit moment of inertia values, so i simply took those from Jackaroo and now its absolute pleasure to fly. Still its probably better to hear opinion of experts as all those things are black arts to me and i probably broke something in my messing around....
I had no problems like that in beta testing, but having just had a thought & downloaded the final version, its OK if frame rate is set to unlimited, (getting 67+ fps) but I've just tried 19 fps ('cos I cant get exactly 20 fps) & yes it hunts at cruise, possibly try a higher frame rate setting in FS9?
Otherwise what are your values for MoI?

P.S. No problems in FSX at 20 fps....wierd
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I hadn't heard of the Avian before I read about it here in a post by Peter Watkins. Investigation showed it to be a popular aircraft of its day with over 400 being built.
Shaking ? no, not come acrosss that before. On my setup longitudinal oscillations happen at below ca. 24 f.p.s. but clear up as soon as the frame rate is increased. This shaking only happens in FS9. Weird or what ?
Dave M(oly)
I had no problems like that in beta testing, but having just had a thought & downloaded the final version, its OK if frame rate is set to unlimited, (getting 67+ fps) but I've just tried 19 fps ('cos I cant get exactly 20 fps) & yes it hunts at cruise, possibly try a higher frame rate setting in FS9?
Otherwise what are your values for MoI?

P.S. No problems in FSX at 20 fps....wierd

I hadn't heard of the Avian before I read about it here in a post by Peter Watkins. Investigation showed it to be a popular aircraft of its day with over 400 being built.
Shaking ? no, not come acrosss that.
Dave M(oly)

I guess my problem must be my very old computer, its locked at stable 25 fps, but thats how far it can go and for a moments it jumps to lower numbers. As i said i googled a bit and changed moment of inertia values to the ones from Thruxton Jackaroo, so now they are:
;Moments of Inertia
empty_weight_pitch_MOI = 2400
empty_weight_roll_MOI =2300
empty_weight_yaw_MOI = 4600
empty_weight_coupled_MOI = 0.0
and i have no problems with shaking anymore, but most probably now i have ruined flight model.
I really feel terribly to bother you with problems caused by my ancient pc
No problem Kikas - one of the reasons for producing these aircraft in FS9 is to allow those with older setups to participate. We can't all go swapping to the latest & greatest every few weeks.
Dave M(oly)
Just done an experiment, with the original MoI values the critical FPS in FS9 seems to be less than 30 fps, with the Jackaroo values its about 26 fps. interesting! The Avian oscillates vertically (pitch).
BTW Ted Cooks Airco DH6 oscillates laterally (yaw) at 25 fps!
We live and learn Keith - worth remembering for future builds. Not seen that see-sawing before. :dizzy:
Dave M(oly)
Crude experiments with FPS set to 20, which I believe is the max setting for team flying, show that the MoI values need to be:
Pitch = 4500
roll = 1600
yaw = 1800.
The values as calculated in accordance with the FS9 SDK are :
roll =421
yaw =982.
The experimental values are good up to 140 MPH above that it starts oscillating.
The published values are OK if you can get 30 fps or more.
Still not sure why this happens though only in FS9; FSX does not seem to be affected even with fps set to 15.
Crude experiments with FPS set to 20, which I believe is the max setting for team flying, show that the MoI values need to be:
Pitch = 4500
roll = 1600
yaw = 1800.
The values as calculated in accordance with the FS9 SDK are :
roll =421
yaw =982.
The experimental values are good up to 140 MPH above that it starts oscillating.
The published values are OK if you can get 30 fps or more.
Still not sure why this happens though only in FS9; FSX does not seem to be affected even with fps set to 15.
Thank You!!!
I've posted a correction aircraft.cfg file for the Avian to the Flightsim library using the new values. It should appear in the next day or so.
Thanks Keith .
Cheers :very_drunk:
Dave M(oly)