Hi Daypharris,
I guess it depends a bit, on what your definition of "decent" is and how deeply you prefer the system-simulation of the aircraft. As mentioned by Blackbird there is the just flight payware. However I just had a look at their site and can't find the FS9 version anymore.(Only the FSX upgrade, but thats not the complete product)
As far as I' m aware,that one was basically the old PSS (rings a bell? ;-)) product , which is now again available under their new name blackbox simulation here, however with quite a price tag for such an old release, in my personal opinion:
An even older / earlier version of the PSS vulcan is available at flightsim.com as freeware , the file name is "
Coincidently I tried it again a while ago, it's actually not that bad at all, considering its vintage, but is has no VC and it only simulates the most common systems.
If you don't like its cramped photoreal panel, with relatively tiny gauges, there is another replacement 2d panel for it on simviation, name: "Vulcan_Panel.zip".
Its officially for FSX, but should work in FS9.
Then there is also on flightsim.com a file "
vulcan.zip" , another freeware Vulcan , with basic VC, but you have to try for yourself, regarding its quality.
Well as far as I know, thats more or less basically all there is. I recently also had a vulcan-phase and went looking for any freeware/payware out there, but the above
are the best options I came up with.
If you absolutely want to have a relatively "deep" simulation, there is probably only the PSS/JF payware option.
FSX is a different matter, the IRIS version seems to be rather nice and Just Flights inhouse development team is also working on a state of the art FSX / P3D rendition of the aircraft.
Anyway , hope I could help you out a bit,
Kind regards,