AVSIM Library

Right about now, I'm cursing my bank account for not letting me get a replacement motherboard on my FS system. At least I know I've got a lot waiting for me when I finally (I think I hate that word more than "soon") get something in place.
Avsim being back up is great cuz they have a lot of files there that I can't find elsewhere. Waht a wonderful day in the simming world!!!
Right now, it looks like just the directory is working. Trying to d/l gets a 'could not find page' error or an internal error message.
Its just great to see Avsim's downloads back up. Congratulations and thanks to the Avsim team:ernae:
Not all downloads are working though, some are and some are not. You can tell by the pictures with "oops, file not found error" Its just like when SOH was slowly being restored to full status, some of its downloads were not working at that time. I was able to d/l some files that I wanted, all of them worked so far.