Azure Voice Disconnection Driving Me Crazy...


Hi All,

Ever since SU5 came out I had Azure ATC voice disconnecting every flight after a few minutes resulting in weird squeaky voices!

I've already looked on the official forums & have seen that a few people have had this issue, having tried the suggestions without success.

My PC has not lost it's internet connection & as far as I can tell the live weather & aircraft are all okay.


Yep, I have it also!

I keep getting "..... please expedite your climb / descent to whatever altitude ...... over & over & over again. it never stops pestering me. :banghead:


My PC has not lost it's internet connection
.... comments from Keith

I have a theory that when it does occur : the online Azure stops working then the offline text-to-speech takes over and forgets that I'm already at my assigned altitude and it notifies me to climb or descend to whatever .....:dizzy:

Please forgive the over exposure, I have an HDR monitor with HDR turned on in MSFS.

I just did a little over an hour's flight from Lihue to Hilo - no voice issues. I only fly VFR though, so no clue about the altitude callouts.
The original poster Keith is correct about the squeaky voices !

The live Air Traffic Controller has it's own voice sets. When this "disconnect type-of-thing" occurs it will switch to another voice set... which has a mousy like voice.

This new controller takes over your flight and begins to pester the living snot out of you regarding your altitude, at least for me !

I only fly VFR though
..... yes this only seems to occur when a default MSFS flight plan is in use. I've only been flying the PMDG DC-6, as you can tell from the above screenshot. I think I'll try out a long flight in the King Air this weekend and see if it happens under those conditions.

Both the Live and offline ATC nag me about altitude, sometimes they'll give me clue such as "you are 300ft below your assigned altitude", so I climb another 300ft and peace is restored.
I wonder if they're updating the Azure ATC voices or something, and that's why it keeps going offline at random? More accurate phraseology and/or National accents would be great.
Hi All,

Ever since SU5 came out I had Azure ATC voice disconnecting every flight after a few minutes resulting in weird squeaky voices!

I've already looked on the official forums & have seen that a few people have had this issue, having tried the suggestions without success.

My PC has not lost it's internet connection & as far as I can tell the live weather & aircraft are all okay.



The same few times. Internet is connected, no issue with my net. I think all of you have this issue.
Maybe report it to Zendesk: .
The dev's are well aware that it's happening - the official forum moderators can barely keep up with closing and merging duplicate threads on the matter.
Hi All,

Glad to to hear that it's not just only me & it's being looked at.

Made the mistake of accidentally nuking my install yesterday when I thought I'd be clever & try Steam's "Verify integrity of game files... ".
The end result was losing everything to do MSFS apart from my Community folder so I had to re-download the entire simulator again!

Anyways, despite doing a fresh install I was still getting Azure dropping out on me. Hopefully the issue will be addressed at some point in the future.

My next issue is now the fact the Diamond DA62 has somehow managed to throw a wobbly! I can see the exterior model but the interior has done a runner! I don't even have anything installed mod-wise for that aircraft! Doh!!

Not trying to go to far off the original topic, but my Diamond DA62, at the pilot's position there is a bug where the view jerks right to left / left to right every few seconds. All other interior positions are not affected. I fly from Co-pilot seat.

I put this one up to Zendesk also.
My next issue is now the fact the Diamond DA62 has somehow managed to throw a wobbly! I can see the exterior model but the interior has done a runner! I don't even have anything installed mod-wise for that aircraft! Doh!!

Not trying to go to far off the original topic, but my Diamond DA62, at the pilot's position there is a bug where the view jerks right to left / left to right every few seconds. All other interior positions are not affected. I fly from Co-pilot seat.

Unlikely as it may sound, these issues could be caused by a livery mod which hasn't been updated for SU5 compatibility. Failing that, try deleting the DA62 from the Content Manager and restarting the sim. The DA62 will be downloaded and installed for you and hopefully it'll work this time.
Thanks for that tiger. I'll do it. I was beginning to think it was my TrackIRv5

Now getting back to my post above # 05.

Gee willikers, I took off in the King Air for a flight of 880 nm.

I left the ATC window open the whole time. I received clearance to climb to 9000 ft. I held at 9000 ft. waiting for ATC to send me up to the next flight level .... this time I could not hear the ATC controller. I did not get the Azure warning box as above, but my open ATC window showed that ATC was telling me to "expedite my climb to 9000 ft. no less that ten times and then CTD .... bam !
And it's only been what 40-50 minutes since I posted last :a1310:

I'm going to get more coffee.
I did not get the Azure warning box as above, but my open ATC window showed that ATC was telling me to "expedite my climb to 9000 ft. no less that ten times and then CTD .... bam !

Good grief. I haven't had that one yet, touch wood, but it makes me wonder whether this sim has inherited the sound issues from previous versions i.e. when fps is set too high, it can cause sound problems? I have my global graphics (or whatever it's called) set to Medium and the only setting I've tweaked is the FPS limit - 60 by default, so I've lowered it to 30 just in case.
Unlikely as it may sound, these issues could be caused by a livery mod which hasn't been updated for SU5 compatibility. Failing that, try deleting the DA62 from the Content Manager and restarting the sim. The DA62 will be downloaded and installed for you and hopefully it'll work this time.

Thanks for that, I deleted & re-downloaded the DA62 but I still had the same issue. (Strangely this is one of the only aircraft that I hadn't had any extra liveries installed for)

I then deleted it again, shut MSFS down, went to the Packages & Community folders & deleted anything related to the DA62 only. I then restarted MSFS, re-downloaded the DA62 & everything cockpit wise is back!

Fingers crossed Asobo will resolve the Azure issue eventually!

Ok, addressing the ATC commands to "expedite you climb". I'm grabbing at straws here! I went over to

I was just looking around to see how close they were getting to placing the A320 back into the ASOBO Marketplace and I found this in their changelog :

Altitude issues causing the plane to "chase" altitude in cruise under certain conditions. There is no fix for this issue in SU5, this is a simulator bug. This is worked around in the development version, but VATSIM will still see incorrect pressure altitude until this is resolved by Asobo (post SU5).

I wonder if this has something to do with my altitude problem?

Run the simulator without AI Traffic/Multiplayer/Ground Vehicles

IIRC ASOBO told us not to use AI traffic with SU 5, did they not? I still have mine turned on.

Crash to Desktop not when loading in. After this patch, this and other such CTD issues are not caused by the A32NX addon. In SU5 there are multiple overlapping issues which can cause CTDs. These include but are not limited to memory leaks, corrupt installation of update packages (by the MSFS content manager), disconnecting peripherals, crashing when loading many objects in a scene,

I have to disconnect and reconnect my Honeycomb Alpha Unit every time I fly .... have to make room for the 'ol gut if you know what I mean. The Bravo Unit stays plugged in all of the time.

DA 62 .... this did not work for me, however I only uninstalled it & those ASBO repaints from the Content manager X 1... I have no 3rd. party repaints. I'll do it again tomorrow.

I'll try to set my FPS down to 30... I also have it at 60.

All of this reminds me of a commercial that ran in our local cable market the last 2-3 months ( I fogot exactly what it was about) it had a little boy on it that said " I"m only 6 y.o. you figure it out!"

Well I'm going to claim my 65+ y.o. ..... You figure it out ASOBO ! :wavey:
IIRC ASOBO told us not to use AI traffic with SU 5, did they not? I still have mine turned on.
The bug started with, which was the original SU5. Hotfix 1,, addressed the crashes with AI on, along with a few others. Hotfix 2, the current, addressed more issues.
I'm going to resurrect this topic, maybe this was the answer after all. This was in yesterday's "release notes" from WU 6


Fixed ATC radar altitude so the ATC no longer asks you to change your altitude when it is not applicable

So I'm leaning heavily on: that AZURE will not disconnect from MSFS and those little Gremlins that live in MSFS will now be able to get a correct fix on my altitude when they shoot that radar beam at my aircraft :mixed-smiley-010:
I think it was more about server outages. When it was happening, the Xbox server status page was showing an issue. See my post above (#2) for a couple of links that everyone here should bookmark.
Updated to SU6 with no issues (Steam version) My flights look great & runs very smoooth but am still getting Azure ATC dropping out on me after a few minutes.

I'm not entirely sure if it is server issues as it appears I'm still connected to the Microsoft server, I've had to reinstall windows 10 & MSFS since SU5 came out & the issue still persists (reformat was due to a new motherboard)

Is there another way of confirming if it is my pc or connection to the server?

Updated to SU6 with no issues (Steam version) My flights look great & runs very smoooth but am still getting Azure ATC dropping out on me after a few minutes.

I'm not entirely sure if it is server issues as it appears I'm still connected to the Microsoft server, I've had to reinstall windows 10 & MSFS since SU5 came out & the issue still persists (reformat was due to a new motherboard)

Is there another way of confirming if it is my pc or connection to the server?


Not enough data available to us to make a comment that is even remotely sensible. We can't see what is happening to your connection to the azure servers, or monitor the stability of your line. Impossible to make a decent diagnosis.

Sorry mate,
