AzurPoly releases the BD-5J for MSFS


Just bought the new AzurPoly BD-5J for MSFS...LOVE IT. Only wish it had a paint kit so I could do Richard Bach's BD-5J:

Bach BD-5.jpg

Absolutely flies great...problem...can't do a full fuel load unless you weigh next to nothing.

I just got and flew it, it's a real hoot! I can always trust that if Kent likes a model, I normally will. I have always been in love with this little jet since I saw one back in the mid 70's.
Thanks for the find words, Bryant...I just flew it AGAIN and enjoyed it. If you manage to go back and find some of the old Flying/Air Progress articles about not only the -5J, but also the plain old BD-5, it is interesting reading. The airport where Bede did the development work on the plane and trained new pilots on it was at Newton, Kansas (KEWT, I think)....they had a pickup truck with a movable gantry with a BD-5 stuck on it, that would let pilots get the feel of the airplane as the pickup sped down the runway! Interesting times..


P.S. I STILL want a paintkit for it...!
As a wee lad, I wanted to build the BD-5 so bad. I even paid for the promo kit that had very nice design profiles of the craft. In the end, I did not have the tools or the space to build one. School was calling anyway.