B-17G and B-29 Skins Re-Released


I've deleted the old versions and replaced them with new ones for a couple of reasons related to Ankor's awesome self-shading mod. First, I found I'd been using the wrong file type for the skins, which, aside from making the files bigger than they needed to be, made a couple of the skins way too bright with the mod. Additionally, the silver B-17s had lost their luster, so I've beefed that up a bit (without the mod, the new versions are extremely bright!). While some skins have not changed except for the file format, I recommend replacing what you have with these, just in case.
Thank You very much.
With the wonderful Shader/Shine add-on for effects.
The skins on some aircraft need to be changed/adjusted..
Will give these a go..
:applause: :applause: :applause:

This is a follow-on to my question for Ted. Where would I find these skins? I looked in the CFS3 Add-ons section here on SOH and didn't find them, but not really sure where to look.

Thank you :dizzy: