B-24 J in Rising Sun problem.


Charter Member
I am having a texture problem with both B-24J bombers in PTO-Rising Sun,(the one included in install). The aircraft are just show up black. Does any one have these textures ? Thanks for any help. Here is a picture of one. Shot03-21-21-22-57-48-1.jpg
B24_j_403_t.dds, and B24_j_021_t.dds should have been part of the RS install. If you have those, but they are not displaying correctly then I would check the mos file. If you don't have those then your install was corrupt.
If possible could someone who has the B-24J's show up correctly pm me and may be fix the problem that way. Regards,Scott
Your a real life save bro ! The problem was with Ankor's shaders. Don't know why but it affects certain aircraft but PTO-RS is one expansion that i'll leave the shader package out. Regards,Scott
I have the shaders in RS and all the textures show up normally, so it's more about something with those particular aircraft files than the shaders per se.
Must be. This is the only install i had a problem with. Just a few of the PTO-RS aircraft did this and now all show up ok since i removed the shaders. I can live without Ankor's shaders in
this one install. The FirePower B-24J looks fine either way as do all others except these 4 aircraft. Only way i know how to fix this problem. Regards,Scott
I found a semi-solution by trial & error: I removed the B24_j_021_s.dds file for the Aussie B-24 from the CFS3 directory and got the below. I assume the equivalent _s removal will work for the other problem planes too. It ain't perfect, but it's better than doing without Ankor's shaders! No idea why this should work, but I thought I'd post it here in case it tips someone off as to what the actual issue is.
I just looked in the original m3d file and can see the issue. It's something I fixed long ago to make all my aircraft fully compatible with the shaders.

Files that reference both specular and reflectance (_s and _r) files should not have the reflectance drawing type turned on. If it is turned on, as in this case, you should only have the reflectance texture active, or strange things will happen.

This reference is only how to fix the file to simply eliminate the conflict.
This not how you would make it compatible so it can take full advantage of the shader capabilities.

The original sequence
0000FF00 FFFFFFFF 000000FF E5E5E5FF F2043440 0000 0100 0200 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Eliminating the conflict
00000000 FFFFFFFF 000000FF E5E5E5FF F2043440 0000 0100 0200 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Making it compatible
Thank you Major for your advice. Maybe one day i'll get to it. Been away from CFS3 for a few years,(not from here though),i really just want to fly again. Been spending too much time catching up haven't had enough flight time. I will book mark your links for future work. There are some really talented people here and i'm thankful ! Regards,Scott
Will take the plunge MajorMagee ! What is a good free HEX editor ? The link in the old tread is outdated. Thanks for any help. Regards,Scott
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As far as I can tell, there's an error in the original sequence above:

0000FF00 FFFFFFFF 000000FF E5E5E5FF F2043440 0000 0100 0200 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF should be
0000FF00 FFFFFFFF 000000FF E5E5E5FF F2043540 0000 0100 0200 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (a 34 towards the middle should be a 35).

I found it by searching for portions of the hex string. In the end, I think I've solved it by doing a search & replace of the part that differs . . .




And then saving. Here's the result:

Tried doing the conversion but keep messing things up!:banghead:. Tried numerous times using the hex editor but i never got into code that much and don't know what i'm doing. Confused...:dizzy: Regards,Scott
F2043440 versus F2043540 is a subtle difference in a very low glossiness value (2.8128 versus 2.82843 out of 255).

I typically use 00008042 (64) for most painted metal textures, 00000043 (128) for glossy surfaces and 00007E43 (254) for glass.

https://gregstoll.dyndns.org/~gregstoll/floattohex/ use the swap endianness option for the hex value and convert to float

Setting the hex editor to display 36 columns makes it much easier to find the right section to edit because that's the length of the strings that control the texture display. Look for the section where the different parts of the string pattern line up vertically.

The p-36 string looks like 0000FF00 FFFFFFFF 000000FFF E5E5E5FF 00000040 0000 0100 0200 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Got the P-36's fixed. Thank you all for all the help and especially you MajorMagee for you excellent knowledge on this and a so much more. This is such a treasure trove of knowledge here at SOH! Regards,Scott
Found the TK B-24_J_028 and _915 had the same problem in another install . Followed the same script and changed it to what MajorMagee said and problem solved. Thanks MajorMagee and thanks David. Regards,Scott