B-24 texture


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I was surfing various websites devoted to FS2004 the other nite and saw a texture for the Alphasim B-24 in Navy PB4Y-1 colors (two-tone blue over white). Like a jerk I failed to download the thing and now I can't find it. As I recall the aircraft was a navalized B-24J because I recall a nose turret in the screenshot. I can safely say this was NOT a Privateer because I also recall two vertical stabs, not one. Does anyone know if this texture is available yet for the Alphasim B-24? Thanks
I think what you're looking for is "Impatient Virgin" by Brian Hill. He uploaded it both here and at Avsim (where I found it) according to his readme. The filename is Impatient_Virgin.zip.

Well done Craig - you were absolutely correct, that is indeed the airplane. Once again the Marines have come through and the situation is well in hand!!

Mike S.
Did Brian ever do an FSX version for Alphasim's FSX version of the B-24?

That's a beautiful scheme and I downloaded it for here when i got my Alphasim package. I know technically that PBY-1's had ERCO front turrets, but only a real old-time rivet counter like Helldiver would care. :d

I have been looking over all of the repaints at AvSim and FlightSim just to see what has been done. Jesus, I had no idea! :isadizzy: I am glad I did, because two repaints I had planned to do are already done and I do not want any redundancy.

Anyhow, I plan to do a "false" PBY-1 named "LADY LUCK" and after seeing Brian's PBY, I said "BOOM", there's my color mask! Thanks Brian, I upsized your textures to 2048 so I could use them for a 2048 mask layer. I have not tried to use your texture (yet) for an FSX model, but should I do so and if you do not have FSX, if they look okay like they do in FS9 (the wing shadows will have to be eliminated for FSX), I shall upload here to SOH giving full credit to you and the fact that I only adapted them to FSX .dds textures. None of the Dash L textures are required in FSX, only the nine Dash t painted textures, which all will have to be resized to 2048 and Flipped Vertically. No problems with the Alphas since they are all one shade; they do have to be resized to 2048, however.

It's a beautiful paint Brian, it would really stand out with bump textures to bring out the rivets. As I said, I would have to do a little work to texture1 and texture2 to erase the wing shadows, which are created on their own in FSX. If one has been done for FSX I would surely like to download it.


I've installed it in mine for FSX, and it looks OK. The wing shadowing might explain why the colors look just a tad rich, but I thought it was just me. :rolleyes: I think it would be great to have more Navy paints (shameless plug). My Dad flew in PB4Y-2s, out of Jacksonville (I think) during WW II. He was a Seaman with an aerial gunner's rating, and instructed other crews.

@ Mike S. My pleasure. As you can see from my avatar I have dual loyalties. ;)